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Enough match true fairy, even if is an emperor too sky, perhaps can act as rivals as well.
The tiger goes into flock of sheep, completely is a brutish a head of tiger king, hurtled into a flock of in gentle sheep, one person's many tall Hong Huang Zu dragons, of flicker, a claw splits empty, general of rare article way the machine can tear to pieces.
Again have a boundary Wang Jing's superior be torn to pieces.The rule integrates into 8 to float a Tu in.
While being cold to connect to kill 3 people, the square is falsely three the fairy Yu text machine, herd wild knife, emperor just cloud change into three shadows, mercilessly attack at square cold seven inches negative scale place.
These three greatly and falsely the strength of the fairy, completely coagulate 1:00, make a surprise attack at the same time, the true fairy will also be for a while beaten into severely wounded.
Roar!Square cold Hong Huang Zu body dragon send out long blare.
Chapter 818 Wei power
Three greatly and falsely fairy.
The Yu text of the saint light empire house, emperor just house, herd wild old ancestor of three greatest households in the house, incredibly the other party is cold to carry on a sneak attack at the same time, respectively displayed to press a box of means of bottom, these three old ancestors, gleam to demolish on the palm, erosion, confusion rule, exclusively attackstone the Hong Huang Zu dragon weak place"negative scale".
The Hong Huang Zu dragon of square cold incarnation is for a while shot a negative scale, all over flutter for a while, the whole individual seems and changes the person's body.Escape from person's treasure unites as one of status.
"Good opportunity."Three big old ancestors are delight with unexpected good news, know oneself sneak attack success.Although say, three greatly and falsely the fairy deal with one person and also make a surprise attack with the top and spread to really is to throw a person too much, however first the shot kill a square cold say again, 8 floats a Tu, nether world diagram, various rare article way machine, to their temptation dint very of big.
"Spread the status dozen that the others treasure unites as one, he can not the incarnation Hong Huang Zu dragon, the real strenght will tumble."
"Is quite good, killed him, sealed to print suppression, beat into power his world."
"Broke his rule in the world, he although the self-discipline arrived to mix a hole secret place, but oneself world can not with we falsely the fairy compare.We three old ancestors can not kill this small generation, that informed to go out, and the faces were all thrown light."
"3 people unite as one, ignore 8 float a Tu and display to shoot empty greatly recruit, directly settle world inside his body.Broke his to mix hole rule."
"Like, put out!Saint Wang She gets empty."
The three greatest superiors make a surprise attack success, but the palm don't stop and presented on the face evil light, fierce light, the poison urges amount of power at the same time only and suddenly and unexpectedly takes no cognizance eight protections that float a Tu and directly looks for a square cold world inside the body and chased destructive of strength, beat into his world, bomb to break rule in the world.
But, the strength of three big old ancestors just got into a square cold world, their facial expression had already changed.
Pass responding of power, in their brains, appeared the shadow of world inside the square cold body, saw all vitalities and presented close structure, the numerous three days ancient tree grows therein, the sacred mountain is high big, the river bombs pounding at of Long Long, among them aqueous density, compare with mercuries to all want greatly last a hundredfold, one among the bees, a mosquito, fly of speed, all come to a terrible few decupleses velocity.
Even, the river water current drips, the waterfalls flushes to also completely outstrip of velocity.
Even if is a snail, a head of tortoise, at climb of speed, may also compare bird.Among them each vitality of stub tree, all seemed to arrive magical power**heavy wood demon degree, the sky in, a little bit a burst of light breeze once blows, that strong current of air, formed huge Long Juan, at tornado the center, even formed a too ancient manners Be huge to work properly, there is also small scaled black hole.
A burst of cloud changed into raindrop to land a ground, that raindrop, the strength all completely outstrips a velocity, and each raindrop, the flying of all equal to treasure machine Class sword fieriness cuts to kill.
In this world, the everywheres were all full of "dint".Even if is the most common rabbit, arrived an outside, equal to head of Ultrasaurus.
The central deep place in this world, a huge world rule seed presents bottle gourd shape, the rule seed top in world in bottle gourd shape is the veins of one slice"tortoiseshell" and experienced vicissitudes of life in the world and built turned baptism naturally, still the from ancient times is long to save.
Rule seed in the world of that bottle gourd shape, slow-moving of revolve, directly broke through fairyland, numerous fairyland vitalities of liquids infuse to note but descend and changed into the strength of operation in this world.
Three greatly and falsely the fairy superior's strength, get into among them, demolish this world, but haven't arrived central rule seed in front in world, be wrung by the dint of the world to kill fragmented and disorganizedly, don't take shape a form.And even three greatly and falsely the wills of fairy old ancestor all integrated be thoroughly melted among them.
Three big old ancestors are all shocked to almost jump up, particularly"Yu text machine", the eye pupil son almost played to project from the eye socket, wildly roaring of the hysteria:"This is what teratism, how can have a so strong world inside the body, we even if passed through fairyland thunder to punish, all sorts of hardship,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, worlds inside the body all completely can not win against him.The impossible monk contains so strong world inside the body.I determinedly don't believe, this is no longer the person, not a ghost, not absolute being!Outstripped world person absolute being ghost."
"This exactly is what monk, is he it the thou that greatly can turn a life time too much?"
"Too the thou greatly can turn a life time, just like this strong world inside the body.Not, I could not feel from his body any great ability of breathing."
"Soon back!Unite a rest big world falsely fairy, crack down on him together!Five greatly true fairies have already teed off rule and resist a person's emperor's pen and heart evil old man, we make moves together and wring to kill this son!"
At three big old ancestor one shot doesn't become, is shocked by cold world inside the body in square, turning point will retreat, square cold suddenly look up at sky to roar, that will be beaten loose person's treasure to unite as one status, the again close knot puts together, and than just and more for combine close.
The negative scale of the Hong Huang Zu dragon weak part, all starts disappearing to disappear, it is the knife of a way to engrave veins to replace, seem a kind of A bone sign text, truely flawless, there is no flaw.
"Three greatly and falsely fairy, make a surprise attack me.Unfortunately my magical power is too arrogant, didn't measure a Heng sand!Integrate into 8 to float a Tu, rare article way machine, change into a true dragon!"
The square algidity certainly and again increases, the sand of a stars suddenly from the body inside project, have no quantity invisible, seem an abyss of time long river around body operation, that abyss of time long river inside, each grain Heng sand, all shine upon an oneself's shadow, seem oneself incarnation hundred million.This machine is a together true gentleman to collect to have no the Heng sand of having great capacity the world to refine numerous exergues refining just but become of, square cold the chain that have been having no opportunity turn, now straight-tempered opportunity to hold tight, again this magic weapon"Long Hua", integrate into 8 to float Tu Zhong, ask for help of the strength of refining the magic weapon, promote power, big exhibition might of god.
Don't measure once the Heng sand present, suddenly and outwardly on exploding, immediately, this conjecture constructs of"too thou battlefield" seem appeared 110,000,000,000 fixed stars, shine in glory the one is bright, then these 110,000,000,000 fixed stars, suddenly explode all of a sudden to open, huge spirit wave, seem to want too thou the crystal wall of the battlefield fasten to all break through generally.
This"too thou battlefield" is five greatly true fairies, work properly own this life rare article way machine and this life dollar together blend, constitute of a battlefield, prevent°from a heart evil old man, person's emperor's pen escapes.
The square is cold even if again severe, also is not likely to break through this crystal wall to fasten to escape to go out, but his original meaning don't escape to go out, either.Too the crystal wall of thou battlefield fastens, person emperor pen the nature will make effort to break through, now his purpose is to have to a little cheapness and crack down on a head of falsely fairy.Refining 8 to float a Tu when the time comes is more easy.
110,000,000,000 have never measured a Heng sand to change into fixed star, an explosion, the ray of light Chong fills "too thou battlefield" but is fastenned by crystal wall of this"too thou battlefield" of oppression, anti- bounce back, and then became hundred million Heng all of a sudden of sand, tie up to round at the square cold body around.
However, this hundred million Heng sand an anti- bounce back, a little bit top-grade turn, changed into a Huang dragon of, got into 8 to float a Tu in, the square cold incarnation becomes Hong Huang Zu body dragon is again wild, dragon

