
cnn s since we were also

The words of Long directly have a conversation not all right, need not elephant fly is similar to follow us."
Allow free and unfettered contemplated a short while, eyebrows tightly wrinkly way:"..."
Rui breeze way:"Free and unfettered eldest brother, you thought of what?"
"Nothing important, I also just guess."Allow free and unfettered shook to shake head.
Luo's hero's way:"What guess?Say to listen to."
Allow a free and unfettered way:"I doubt those people to know I and wild goose the south fly of relation, they follow us, don't deal with us, and want to fly the brothers to the south and lead, then deal with south and fly brothers they.Is true if so bother, the wild goose south flies to come to rescue we weren't exact center the enemy's conspiracy?"
Luo's hero's way:"The other party follows our hands a lot of, and the real strenght all comes to a lord absolute being Class, light follow spend so many manpowers, see to the other party not- small the diagram.Probably true elephant you calculate so also perhaps, we is not is should make the wild goose southern to fly them don't ?"
Allow a free and unfettered way:"Or first and south fly brothers, they negotiate for a while, we have already known their purposes, and completely canning come to 1 will account and then account."
"The idea is quite good, afraid the other party was ample preparation, basically wasn't afraid of us to calculate."Luo's hero has a liking for go to very crude and uncivilized, but the idea is very delicate.
Allow a free and unfettered way:"I first and the south fly brothers converse, see how he say."
Allow free and unfettered sought a concealment place, connected summons of crystal.
The wild goose south flies to ask a way:"Free and unfettered old elder brother, where did you arrive?Is it the circumstance that include what variety?"
Allow free and unfettered told the wild goose the south own guess to fly, and ask a way:"The south flies brothers, what plan do you have now?"
The wild goose south flies a way:"Your calculate ten to have 8, 9 is right, however, I still will join forces for battle with you.The other party not is want to deal with me, I have no a necessity to shrink back."
Allow free and unfettered worry very much, say:"The south flies brothers, the other party good elephant contained ample preparation, you still more considered for a while."
"Trust, my inside situation have no how much person completely clear, the enemy is allso-ced completely to prepare all is consider as correct."The wild goose south flies one face easy.
Allow free and unfettered wish;That also yes, even I the not clear south fly brothers to exactly have much influence, besides others!
Thought of he at the beginning hears that the wild goose south flies the scene of having so many superiors, he was shocked at that time gape, absolutely dare not believe.Is at the thought of these, he to the wild goose south fly again many several cent confidence.
The wild goose south flies a way:"Free and unfettered old elder brother, you are still elephants a few days ago similar, have to not have what changes, I will render assistance yours quickly."
Breaking is converse, allow a free and unfettered mood still very heavy.
Luo's hero's way:"Free and unfettered brothers, does the wild goose south fly how to say?"
Allow a free and unfettered way:"He makes us continue to go around in circles with the other party, he says to render assistance us."
Luo's hero's way:"He is similar to what you said, is really the person who has much of sense of honor."
Allow a free and unfettered way:"That is certainly, I am worrying his peace or chaos now."
Luo's hero's way:"You not is say wild goose the south flies very smart, never fight the battle that didn't have confidence,cnn, also never suffer a los, his such a person, you feel that he will make a mess of, you aren't worrying."
Allow a free and unfettered way:"Is also, anyway don't worry those people to deal with us as well, we rather play well with them again."
"Good!, Conveniently also try their reflections."
Allow free and unfettered on going 5 people, he is a grade by himself the another superior is in the lord absolute being, Luo's hero is lord the superior of the absolute being first grade Class, other all of 3 people is lord the superior of the absolute being low grade Class.Those 2 people are the brothers a pair of twinses, the name calls to allows a text and allow force respectively, 2 people since the childhood self-discipline, hearts beat in harmony, associately resist enemy fierce, 2 people together of time, is good enough to with lord the another superior of grade in absolute being resisted.
According to Luo's hero's meaning, they are going to seek the trouble of following, but the other party the good elephant have intention to avert from them, they stop, the other party also stops, they want to find out the other party, can the other party but hide, they once wanting to walk, the other party absolutely far and far follows.
Luo's hero's way:"See to the other party not think with our conflict, also not want to make us see their truth or falsities."
Allow a free and unfettered way:"The other party doesn't want to meet with us, we also have no way."
Luo's hero's way:"That we ignored them first, the front didn't have as far as a small town, it has been several days since we were also tired and take a break to there."
Rui breeze way:"Good!I at want to eat to order good thing."He in addition to the self-discipline hardly makes a living away from home in the outside, the disposition still keeps having some childishness.
Allow a free and unfettered way:"Is all right, that we take a rest in that small town for a day and walks faster again after for a day."
That small town locates at in a valley with nice landscape, the surroundingses are all outstanding high mountains, on the high mountain in plant and thick tree, the son inside in town probably has 500 families.All of those somebody elses are soils clansmen, make a living by hunting.
The arrival that allows a free and unfettered etc. person aroused many dismays, everyone closed the door to shut a door in succession.The soil clansmen doesn't like a foreign person, none of superiors of the mainland of absolute being takes soil clansmen to be a person to see, the soil clansmen is to endure distress, so, they a see arrive non- soil clansmen very frightened.
The Rui breeze blocks a pedestrian that in a hurry evades and asks a way:"Do you have the place to can have a meal here?"
"Have no."The that person's facial expression is pale, look confused and agitated, quickly from moreover and simultaneously leave.
The Rui breeze still wants up to ask the way of, but be allowed free and unfettered arrestment.
"The Rui breeze don't go, the soil clansmen is to don't welcome ours, and let's everywhere see."
Luo's hero's way:"Soil clansmen and non- soil clansmen has too deep enemy to resent, their of course not would like to realize us."
"Yi!Again two superiors entered a town,was the person who follows us, they generally can't so quick!"Luo's hero is a bit surprised.
Allow a free and unfettered way:"We first don't , seeing what to come is what person."
The speed of those 2 people is the quickest, soon appear at allow free and unfettered their in front, see them nowise taboo, know they aren't only to follow 1.
Those 2 people see one free and unfettered and suddenly listenned to down, the noodles exposes the color of surprise, and one among those persons say:"Free and unfettered elder brother, you how here?"
Allow free and unfettered cautiously took a look 2 people, but always can not recall where see 2 people before taking a glance, don't even say to acquaint with.It is thus clear that the other party benignity says "hello" of appearance, obviously they acquaint with very much with they.This lets he 100 think not to get its solution.
"What person are you ?Do I know with you?"
"Free and unfettered elder brother, you are incognizant we?"
"Voice some acquaint with, can I really have no impression to you."
"Oh, you see me, I forgot us...Ha ha!"2 people touched touch a face and burst into laughter.

The 11th Yu absolute being world(big final outcome) chapter 5 is cold ice absolute being king
Ba Da novel download the net renew time:2012-4-215:10:26 chapter word numbers:5450

Chapter 5 is cold ice absolute being king
"Is you!"Allow a free and unfettered surprise way, " is 100 inside wood brotherses, there is also martial super brothers, you how here?"
100:"We are the clansmens that comes to call° togethe us of, and you?How did you come here?This how many brotherses is who?"
Allow free and unfettered introduced 4 Luo's heros to martial super 2 people, then made recent conditions saying 1 time all synopsis.
100:"Free and unfettered elder brother, we leave together, much much penny strength to person.However, many etc.s, we want to also all persuade the soil here clansmen and let them followed us."
Allow a free and unfettered way:"Good!We just thinking take a rest for a day.To, need us to help?"
100:"Need not, we are very quick and then can fix

