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Get rid of Vongol Ryan ,will be the European young hero thrown into the Xuanwu Lake ,watching the red of a small lake ,have a rest ,returning to the Nanjing military region hospital ,knocked a wound treatment again, still did not immediately accept treatment ,in Chen Fugui but the wrath and love in the eyes, to come to Zhongshan Mei villa ,the company turned spent about forty million bought out Aston Martin ,heading for Beijing .
relationresultThenthe pale at any time in the coma death edge ,but insists on going to Beijing silly force a road near misses to Haiyang manor entrance ,staggered out of the car ,looking at the station in front of their own was biting his lip cry tears of women ,so as to easily ,opened his mouth ,and go ,I take you home .
relationresultWho does not knowhe insist on what ,in the stubborn what .relationresultPregnantXue Yufei severely slap in Chen Ping gently hold it seems all are wound man ,cried out my heart .
relationresultChen Pinggently just hold her, his face a burning pain ,but he don ,trembling hand wipe Xue Yufei face seems to do not wipe clean tears ,smiled softly : ,don the baby you .
, relationresultChapter 947th : no , relationresultThe 947th chapterrelationresultThe Nanjing military region hospital,totally unaware of their coma long Chen Pinggang just opened my eyes ,when I heard a surprise call ,a little taste of tears ,but the sound still ringing and sweet, Chen Ping slightly confused, staring at the ceiling, line of sight without any focus ,remember he hurried back from Beijing ,Xue Yufei sent to the before Bu Yanquan ,and was almost the entire military region courtyard gangster combine mandatory admitted to hospital ,and seem to have their own because it does not support a coma in half way ,then ,and then looks like it is now .
WWW !relationresultChen Pingmouth piece ,subconsciously want to shake the head ,slightly under the sober ,but slightly a body seemed to be dismembered general pain immediately came over to Chen Ping ,even the tough nerve ,could not help but also in front of a black, again almost faints ,this type of injury is not threatening Chen Ping life in the most serious, but it is on the Chen Ping body hurt the deadliest ,with fourteen stab wounds ,deep bone ,shoulder ,abdomen ,are younger ,penetrating injury ,this kind of situation ,still very chivalrous demeanor ran a trip to Beijing will own woman back, even doctors have a face can that he is still alive ,but the miracle that happened, was in a coma for three days and nights ,he finally came through, Chen Pingtang is in bed ,gently to catch his breath ,no history of some lucky ,this will surely be their debut since the most significant battle ,almost swept the vast majority of their opponents Vongola ,Ryan ,Luomin lattice ,Li Jingsheng ,Wang Kunyu ,and even the Mafia master ,Europe assassin ,all dead ,was completely into the wild ,full of Leaves are known heart vomits blood desolate scene ,in addition to a slew of word ,Chen Ping almost completely reduced to a although damaged but combat-worthy strong killing machine ,without any reason ,now awake ,back again ,even he himself felt fantastic ,until now ,to be able to live ,you should to burn incense ,originally thought that the best results but the ending is perish together ,but now opened his eyes ,the sun is still shining ,this world ,tut ,too damn good .
relationresultHow doyou feel .relationresultAnabnormal voice sounded softly ,softly ,meticulous ,warm ,then Chen Ping eyes gradually clear ,see a lady beautiful face ,Naran allure .
relationresultChen Ping admits that,at that moment, he really has a want to cry .Impulse ,filled with tenderness speechless .relationresultOriginally thought thatreally want to die ,then their seemingly large harem will adhere to for a long time after the collapse ,Tang Aozhi ,Xue Yufei ,with their children at Home Chen ,other people may or regret or sad to leave here ,in a country, a city ,a a corner ,looking for a honest man either excellent or half a million ,but now he is actually alive ,never experienced such things ,www.beats4monster.co.uk,it Chen Ping that excitement, even the San Huan are suddenly bursts from a God ,then ,will see the Narang allure in death and survival line back and forth struggles countless man opened his mouth ,directed at his brilliant smile ,just like the winter sunshine ,in a windless day ,warm ,very comfortable .
relationresultIn three days ofall fear ,all uneasiness ,all feel alarmed at this smile ,with scattered, Naran allure sitting in bed, Chen Ping tightly holding hands ,choked back in his arms ideas ,quickly wiped away tears ,smiled and said : would you like to drink the water ? , relationresultChen Ping gentlyshook his head ,body weight was not much anesthetic drug potency over, the heart of the suffering ,let Chen Ping have a severely torn anterior something sick idea ,but her heart was full of a strange feeling ,let him in a frown smile while the mouth is also more and more obvious ,whispered : you are here ? , relationresultNarangallure shook his head ,heart sour directly by joy replace ,smiled and said: they are here for a day and a night, finally came to his uncle ,the first Feiyou pregnant in the body as an excuse to send her back to the military ,and my sister ,and Haiyang ,the immortal clothes ,is uncle sent back ,I not sleepy ,stay here ,tomorrow is the immortal clothes for me to take care of you .
, relationresultChen Ping wassuddenly sank ,originally pale emission instant a morbid flushing, he is not stupid ,it is apparent from Naran allure the words just heard ,she said, it seems less of a person ,and his mind the most important one ,he stared at Na LAN allure ,watch the other clear eye, silent for a long time, finally closing the eyes ,tightly clutched fist since ,bitter : your sister Tang accident ? , relationresultNarangallure was stupefied, weird eyes ,smiled and said: nothing happened, just need to rest for two days ,then you too much loss of blood ,and the hospital blood bank seems to be not enough, then we analyzed the blood ,only you and your sister Tang Group ,consequently ,sister Tang will give you blood ,but the amount is large ,now very weak .
, relationresultChen Ping wasrelieved ,gently nodded .relationresultLeaf close also has been out of danger ,but the situation seems more than you want to seriously ,it is in ,but doctors say very fast .
Narang allure continued, bringing home fashion, look slightly complex ,then the key moment ,then a dangerous scene ,seems to be the only woman that cool is eligible to enter the past ,and then use a very firm attitude ,for Chen Ping the first winner .
relationresultChen Ping continued tonod ,did not say much ,Naran allure bent, in Chen Ping lips gently bite ,and I cannot continue to occupy your smile ,I your doctor ,then follow the uncle said ,dad in your unconscious that day came in from Chongqing ,now basically already .
,but storm yet subsided ,outside noisy crazy .relationresultChen Ping gently sentence ,Naran allure turned ,out of the room ,with a smile ,the pace of a hitherto unknown .relationresultHangzhou.
relationresultQiandao Lake villas.relationresultChen Pingyinight action than in the outside world ,even if in leaves home base ,but also a great storm ,what is more the leaves are affected in the bosom ,leaf family piece terrified ,but compared to other people is mixed and disorderly, leaf side main lobe break the city was quiet in his villa ,keep close at home ,no one knows his plan .
relationresultFinally,in the meadows still stained with dew in the morning ,leaves home interior almost symbolizes the forbidden leaves break the city Villa ,was a little girl to be ablaze with anger burst in . Related articles:

