
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj send someone over

. , relationresult ... ... , relationresultZhang Xiaolong gave a start ,from the killer Zhang Xiaolong saw the pleading eyes ,they don want to live ,just want to die .relationresultFamily.
Zhang Xiaolong said a loud ,he now understands the killer ,why so tight .relationresultZhang Xiaolong was silent for a moment ,and turned to go ,said: the photo of the whole called ,were handed over to Zhang Quan ,must find out where they came from ,what previously what .
Since they do not say ,we find . , relationresult Please, kill us . Just answer killer loud crying .relationresultZhang Xiaolong turned cold saw his one eye ,deep voice says : I had a family .
, relationresultSoon a full with people coming, Qi Fanghang simple transition ,the three killers are handed over to the police ,and that the police from the fingerprint ,DNA ,three to A whereabouts to trace their identity .
relationresultEven if has three people in prison hanged himself ,can stop the investigation continues .relationresultZhang Xiaolong left the warehouse ,go directly back to Wang Xue where ,with Wang Xue and her daughter overnight .
relationresultThe next day, Zhang Quan found a clue ,three killer with a fake ID ,and Shanxi Yuncheng city tour to the A coast seven days tour .relationresultZhang Quan checked the tours of the others ,did not find any abnormality ,the three person to A city after leaving the tour, only about seventh days .
relationresultShanxi. Zhang Xiaolong thought about ,quickly locked one :Shanxi coal magnate Feng Baokun .relationresultZhang Xiaolong didn city hall ,but the car directly to the terrace .relationresultNow the terrace ,even during the day is also thriving ,even out to sit .
.. ... Miss Taiwan ,changed to four class three operation ,twenty-four hours a day .relationresultA large number of foreign tourists ,expanded the source ,often can see a face with a camera pose as a person of high morals in South Korea ,Taiwan ,the Japanese tourists in the wandering ,and leered at both sides of the street shops at the entrance of the sisters .
Zhang Xiaolong to a good water world entrance, and a carrying Pennant guide ,and the Japanese on six wearing a white hat tourists speak with fervour and assurance ,look at those visitors with a dreadful smile face ,know that they are in your mind .
relationresultZhang Xiaolong sighed and said : it is more and more internationalized . , relationresultThe car in front plus water world ,Wang Xiaofei was greeted, whispered : the landlord ,heard and assassin ,or Shanxi over there ,is it right? Feng Baokun? , relationresult Go indoors .
Zhang Xiaolong said, quickly go .relationresultGet into the lift, see Chen Tie running back ,Zhang Xiaolong put in the elevator door, waiting for Chen Tie .relationresultChen Tiejin elevator ,breathed a sigh of relief, said : the landlord ,if you find someone to go to Shanxi to cut Feng Baokun ,must let me go .
, relationresultZhang Xiaolong hey laughed : don .We have no evidence ,Feng Baokun must be sent . ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, relationresultThe top of the worldnow good water is completely closed, as headquarters ,did not allow anyone to enter the top entrance ,always guarded .
Top conference hall from the new renovated ,complete with Chinese style decoration ,color and elegant ,give a person a kind of majestic atmosphere .relationresultZhang Xiaolong entered the meeting room, directly picked up the remote control device ,the air cooling of air conditioning at maximum .
relationresultWang Xiaofei took the XO and glasses over, asked : what are you going to do with the landlord . , relationresultZhang Xiaolong picked up his glass and took a sip that asked: do you think monkey ,sent to Shanxi ,have feasibility ? , relationresultWang Xiaofei said : send someone over to Feng Baokun.
No problem ,is difficult ,the coal bosses are rich , in groups, each having a gun, want to close hard . , relationresultZhang Xiaolong twisted under the brow ,but also feel this is not reliable ,sent to assassinate Feng Baokun and who do not have what distinction .
relationresultWang Xiaofei suggested : send someone over ,also do not have to kill Feng Baokun ,is sent to investigate Feng Baokun ,such a person is not clean . , relationresultChen Tie said : it people like Feng Baokun, both upper and lower dredge well, even if there is evidence of a crime and could not move them, many people will stand up for him .
. , relationresultWang Xiaofei corrected : there is evidence ,to see how to use, we also do not have to pass the official . , relationresult What do you mean ?Network communication ? , relationresult Of course not ,network communication can also be blocked ,there are people and Feng Baokun ,in China is short of coal is not enough, if Feng Baokun coal group accident, will seriously affect the coal output of Shanxi .
Wang Xiaolong look pleased with oneself ,pinching finger poses as a fortune teller look ,after meeting said : must find someone to replace him ,we can have the opportunity to pit to Feng Baokun .
, relationresultZhang Xiaolong and Chen Tie at a glance, Chen Tie said : Shanxi coal merchant ,no one can replace Feng Baokun . , relationresultWait. Like the Zhang Xiaolong said: we can find a group of people to replace Feng Baokun ,just after the death of Xu Junbao ,was split Xu home ,although Feng Baokun is not dead ,then choose a person to replace Feng Baokun in the .
, relationresultZhang Xiaolong raised his glass ,three people Xiangshiyixiao ,are old brother ,Zhang Xiaolong, in a word, Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie all know .relationresultWang Xiaofei said : I Shanxi scout ,preferably in the winter before moving back to Feng Baokun ,if all coal procurement, cannot move Feng Baokun .
, relationresultChen Tie said : I going to plead . , relationresultZhang Xiaolong shook his head and said: ,everyone knows you dragon cadre ,you go to the target is too obvious, from below, choose one of the past .
Zhang Xiaolong suddenly thought of two people ,he pointed to Wang Xiaofei : two of your mistress ,delphinium, Hede seems to be a Shanxi people ,let them go ? , relationresultWang Xiaolong startled, took down the thigh, smiled and said: good idea .
, relationresult... ... ... ... , relationresultAt this time, in Shanghai, Feng Baokun received news of the defeat of the assassins who ,in his room to a circle, tongue-lash : good-for-nothing ,I keep them white .
, relationresultAlso ,Zhang Xiaolong et al the killer sent over speculation ,it was Feng Baokun .relationresultIn Feng Baokun room ,calendar wave is looking at a real portrait collection ,looking for a bag of target ,he looked up and said : old Feng ,you don look around ,I feel dizzy .
, relationresultFeng Baokun sighed and said: a landlord life is really hard ,I sent out to people ,are folded in the city of A . , relationresultCalendar wave said: a landlord in the city of A exceptionally adept in trickery ,black and white two is his alone ,you are going to kill him ,is by no means retrievable .
, relationresultFeng Baokun went to the wine car ,poured a cup of wine ,a drink .relationresultIn the past few days, king in Taiwan action more and more, and ask them to transfer funds .relationresultCalendar waves over a little better, liquidity is abundant, although in recent years the shipping of profit ,but the calendar too thick waves ,ship ,small profits but also earn money ,he also take advantage of other transport companies experience suffering when buying at a low price ,many large tonnage cargo ship ,once again expanded the company .
relationresultHowever, Feng Baokun had some difficulty ,although only seven or eight weather is not cold ,but over the winter coal storage work had already started ,he want to throw capital to speed up production ,organization of transportation ,to finance investment money ,have certain suffering .
relationresultAccording to the old saying : there is no surplus grain host family . , relationresultCalendar waves that Feng Baokun worried ,worried and asked: Lao Feng ,what do you ? , relationresultFeng Baokun poured a cup of wine ,drink wine glass sitting opposite to calendar waves ,sighed ,said : in recent years, local closed down many small coal mines, coal demand has to be more than year after year ,it forced me to buy a lot of integration of coal mine ,put a lot of money in, now let I have some difficulty in money .
, relationresultCalendar wave kindly asked: how much worse . , relationresult One hundred million or two hundred million words ,I do not worry, the king let me throw three billion in, I can only move two billion ,there are one billion .
, relationresultThat won it .Lao Feng ,you will have no money . , relationresult If out ,Wuliushiyi is no problem, but I have to ensure that the production !If the short supply of coal ,which will protect me ?I early me .

