
Facebook to say Wang Can's vi

The color of flash across doubt in eye asks a way:"Huge Sir why sees?"
Huge virtuous Mr. stretches hand to point at Huang Zhong and asks a way:"You see Chinese to rise how is skill in martial arts?"
Like this does Wang Can say:"Brave warrior will!"
Huge virtuous Mr. says with smile:"Answer,Facebook, right here noodles.The man rises of skill in martial arts, be good enough to serve as battlefield great commander, this also proves your taste is quite good, can spot a person.The skill in martial arts that the man rises is very severe, Chinese rise but drive you a member of the troops brave general defeat, it is thus clear that his ability more severe.See another one person again, is also living tiger back bear waist, a see is a not vulgar skill in martial arts person.
"Is in all the world, can own two tiger wolveses will, far from book book unknown generation.I and virtuous hold to also be on the whole familiar with world of important event, also have understand to the world group of heroes, unfortunately but have never heard to have the person who calls Wang Shan."
Huge virtuous Mr. stares at Wang Can and peeps out the smiling face of cajolery in the eye.
Wang Can Yi jilts gusset and smiles to say:"Huge Sir, big world, anything-goes, all-inclusive, there are two great commanderses just, very strange?I why can not own two skill in martial artses outstanding?"
Huge virtuous fair color way:"The current trend of events builds hero, among the chaotic can have this two, be good enough to occupy one corner, can line up in the world last number.Hum, with my view, Wang Shan anything but your true."
Take charge of Ma Hui to wear a smile, say:"Wang Shan, my view's your face reading is farer from sweet than mediocre generation.You own these two tiger wolves will, return a book book unknown, in no way possible."
Wang Can smells speech and thoroughly has no language.
The words of huge virtuous Mr. sound some truths, but take charge of Ma Hui to talk but all without resort to a table at 1:00, direct from a person's face reading judges, very marvelous ability.Speak this sentence, seem an untidy old man to take a rare Mi book, at will find out a small fart Hai, say to make him rescue the Earth.
This parlance, the Te without resort to compose.
Being huge virtuous is male and takes charge of after Ma Hui finish saying, the vision brightly shiningly stares at Wang Can and waits for Wang Can to speak true words.
"Ha ha ha ……"
Wang Can puts a cachinnation, sighs tone later on and says:"Not the two Mr. Weis Kui is just greatly a Jing Xiang, very perceptive, admire!Wang Shan's identity really is invent, not true.My really named Wang Can, word is first, serve as the benefit state state herding.Matter to a life safety, for this reason invent Wang Shan's to replace, hope two understandings of Mr. Wei."
"Si Si!"
Department Ma Hui of huge virtuous Mr. mutually sees one a cool spirit of hope, fiercely pouring to take out after listenning to.
Wang Can sits on one side and sees a 2 people slightly stunned facial expression, a bit blurred in the heart.
Although he is a benefit state herding, power Qing a square, can benefit state the official position of the herding be unlikely to let huge virtuous Mr. and department Ma Hui so'excited', thus rude in behavior.
However, but Wang Can forget he when the Luo sun does obeisance Cai Yong as teacher, ever let out Hao speech strong language, used Fan Zhong flood concern for the country and the people of'under the inborn of the sorrow but the sorrow, the day after tomorrow descend its joy but joy'words like this to packed to force, suddenly and leisurely other people, made the fame greatly flap.Even if department Ma Hui and huge virtuous Mr. live in the Jing state, also have to hear.
Is huge virtuous male and department Ma Hui surprise, be also full of stunned facial expression on Huang Zhong's face.
He is force will, don't know Wang Can's fame in the clear stream, but know that Wang Can is a benefit state herding.
Is thus young, already and Liu Biao Yi grade, very terrible.And the benefit state is located in Shu in, geography position is very excellent, there is natural defense countercheck, easily guard difficult offend, it may be said is a man to be a pass, ten thousand men don't open.Liu Biao's Jing state although fertile valley a long distance, occupy biggest advantage,belong to a military necessarily contend for of ground, sooner or later face the knife soldier's disaster.
Pei dollar the Shao and Dian Wei see several facial expressions with stunned person, oil in heart however rise a pride.
Wang Can, but their lord Mr..
The huge virtuous male air is serious, arch hand way:"Unexpectedly is directly, Wang Yi Zhou fails to show due respect and fails to show due respect!"
Take charge of Ma Hui although while being friendly, being free from to restrain, canning face Wang Canning, the temperament cans not be getting more disrespectful, either, the straight body arch hand asks a way:"Wang Yi Zhou isn't foolish in the benefit state, but appears at lately wild, really amazingly, doing not know Wang Yi Zhou is this time to go to Jing of state, have important business?"
Wang Can Gong's hand way:"All of two Mr. Weis are then elder generations, directly call the word of Can.Two Mr. Weis really fold very Wang Can so and fold very Wang Can!"
Words although it is said of good to listen, in Wang Can Xin but secretly Fei stomach,
His Niang of, just beginning should be he inquired huge virtuous Mr. and department Ma Hui Liang's individual wasn't in the Jing state foolish, on the contrary appeared at lately wild is what cause?However, once the topic turn, what purpose did the in a wink become but take charge of Ma Hui and huge virtuous Mr. to inquire him to have?Variety like this makes people, Wang Can, very angry.
Taking charge of Ma Hui is beaming with smiles, again ask a way:"For first, do you go to Jing state to have important business?"
Huge virtuous Mr. also stares at Wang Can and waits for replying of Wang Can.
2 people's facial expression, seems a police is interrogating criminal, the vision is deeply brightly shining, wear Wang Can's heart to see actually.That facial expression, seeming Wang Can is a bad person, have to investigate Wang Can's irregular heart.
Wang Can once the eye pupil son turn and say:"Huge Sir, department Mr. Ma, I just served as benefit state herding, the character was superficial, the troops didn't have huge Sir and department Mr. Ma thus of big wise stay in, not feel at ease.The state that is this time to go to Jing, one for visiting Liu Jing Zhou, the knot is an alliance.It two for visiting huge Sir and department Mr. Ma, want to invite two Mr. Weis to go into the benefit state as officer, don't know two ideas of Mr. Wei under how?"
Huge virtuous male not intentional official career immediately shakes head a way:"For first love and esteem, the old man Kui got.Just I concentrate knowledge, there is no an official's idea, let for disappoint first."
Take charge of Ma Hui the slightest don't fall behind, immediately after say:"For first, I am used to the day of free and happy recluse and can not stand the stipulation of officialdom, you still another look for wise, hope for don't lie a bosom first."
2 people mutually see a to hope, the corner of mouth is tiny to have muscular spasms.
The young man of good craftiness!
Just starting was 2 people to ask an affair, once Wang Can's topic turned, and the active power controled in Wang Can Shou again.
Sneer at in Wang Can Xin, which so easily get away from.He wears a smile, the facial expression on the face good grandmother Lang lure little redhood and slowly say:"Two not intentional officialdoms of Mr. Wei are also unimportant, as long as two Mr. Weis would like to go into benefit state, I can immediately build in Chengdu a 'academy in Chengdu', be provided for two Mr. Weis to preach to teach, don't know two ideas of Mr. Wei under how?"
Wang Can stares at huge virtuous male and department Ma Hui, secretly sneer at in the heart.
Isn't a free and happy recluse, don't go into officialdom?
Is all right, he exclusively builds an academy and sees 2 people how to say.Wang Can's vision brightly shiningly stares at huge virtuous male and department Ma Hui, peep out expectant facial expression.
2 people after seeing Wang Can's facial expression, a burst of and helpless in the heart.Some kind of words that just spoke have already expressed a position, can Wang Can Qiong fierce dozen, die to grasp not to let go, let huge virtuous male and department Ma Hui secretly have a headache.
Is huge virtuous male tiny tiny on smiling, say:"In order to shout first, I the huge family background generation live in Xiang sun, the home country is difficult to leave, can not leave Xiang of sun, forgive difficult obey orders."
Wang Can sighs tone and says:"Ai, the huge Sir doesn't go to benefit state, too regrettable."
Once the vision turn, again seeing of Wang Can to department Ma Hui, smile to say:"Take charge of the entire family of Mr. Ma moves Jing state from the Ying Chuan, always can't remember fondly home country, the home town is difficult to leave?"
Take charge of Ma Hui Wei to postpone, the corner of mouth is tiny to have muscular spasms.
His complexion didn't change, dark scold Wang Can Xiao's thief in the heart, too deceitful, moon insurance.
Take charge of Ma Hui to deeply take a suck at spirit, say:"Understand first for first, I and son fish although non- brothers, having brothers friendship, I treating son fish as an elder brother, he doing not leave Xiang sun, I can not leave, either and please for."
Early guess in Wang Can Xin that these two guys can't promise, he pursues relentlessly a fierce dozen some kind of, nothing but vent heart in of not great.The words have already made reference to this son up, Wang Can then has never continued to cross-examine.Once the topic turn and sought some easily topic chat, momentary, 3 people pour to also mutually talk it's very happy, talk to smile Yan Yan.
Early in the morning, the next day's a group of people starts on journey into Xiang sun but goes.BE huge virtuous male and take charge of Ma Hui together with the line, Wang Can more need not be worried about his safety to be subjected to threat.
These 2 people are absolutely an understand person.
Wang Can sits in the wagon and opens a curtain to looking at outside dazzlingly white one, dark way:Xiang sun, I came.

