
beats by dre solo ase and also cong

Heaven is not a secret, when Zu Hongjun gave seven Che-hung Ziqi, once said that between heaven and earth has seven world sage .While red ancestors were demon division of ROC ,the ancestor killed, the seventh Mongolian traditional is missed ,it is still no .
relationresultButbecause the original red ancestors is in hell is the ancestor of the stop ,and a hell is it right? My stigmata ,there is no reincarnation ,it is a mystery ,so the town yuan once suspect the sudden rise in the heaven of Kong Yu is a reincarnation of old father ,it is because of this, Zhengwon Ko will Kong Yu so much .
relationresultButall this is the town guess ,he is also not sure that Kong Yu is a reincarnation of the ancestors ,but as long as there is a possibility ,Zhengwon Ko won against Kong Yu ,so he tried to defuse Sun Wukong and Kong Yu scores, he naturally doesn this may be a common ancestor .
There are too many enemies .relationresultSun Wukong listened tothe town of Yuan words is a shock for the heart ,between heaven and earth seven world Saint thing ,Sun Wukong is also very clear ,after all his master is the world of saints ,for this game is very clear .
In former times, his master Zhuntidaoren also have been expecting Sun Wukong to become the day between the Seventh World saint ,only to become world Saint must have kept Ziqi can ,regardless of the manner in which the holy, no Che-hung Ziqi eventually cannot be holy ,so are the days of the looking for a fall after the ancestor of a Mongolian traditional .
relationresultJustthousands of years past ,that a Mongolian traditional have always been there ,do you mean to say that the Mongolian Ziqi was Kong Yu got ?Sun Wukong heart thinking, thinking of the town words ,but this time, Sun Wukong is also gradually down to Kong Yu ,after all, if you want to really is and the town of Yuan said, Kong Yu is that between the seventh saints ,so with the hole against the jade is not wise .
relationresultOf course,Kong Yu in the end is it right? That between the seventh saints are still unknown ,so Sun Wukong now is still waiting for the .While Kong Yu also has the Xiangliu returned to Kunlun Mountains ,since you have and the town of yuan ,Sun Wukong to resolve grievances ,Kong Yu also need not worry ,just is returned to Kunlun Mountains .
relationresultThis time thehell trip let Kong Yu harvest too much ,beats by dre solo,just to get a few pieces of congenital Lingbao ,is a huge energy ,as long as the retreat of these energies are refining ,then Kong Yu mana nature can be the last step ,but Kong Yu never did not immediately retreat ,but this time the innate Lingbao is out .
relationresultFairyflying cut ,river Luoshu ,there is from the Brahma there robbed nine nine scattered soul gourd ,suddenly got four congenital Lingbao ,this for anyone is a great thing ,Kong Yu also can not help revealing happy smile .
relationresult , relationresultThe 490th chapter of Hong Yun ( below) , relationresultLook atyourself in front of four congenital Lingbao ,Kong Yu thinks for a moment but will cut a fairy flying to the Xiangliu ,which makes the Xiangliu one, then face is his surprise and joy ,he didn Kong Yu was the birth of his heart suddenly ,is thrown monstrous billow ,but it is not what Kong Yu says thank you, just silently will cut a fairy flying by .
relationresultSincethe Xiangliu is Kong Yu house ,Kong Yu has been on the Xiangliu is very respectful ,completely is the Xiangliu as advanced treatment, without the Xiangliu when hand down hand ,this is to let the Xiangliu was moved .
If it is before the Xiangliu nature is not, in the family only to the strength to speak, the previous hole jade strength too weak ,even in the Xiangliu again how respect still can phase Liu moved, but now Kong Yu mana has gone beyond phase Liu ,but Kong Yu still is the case, and also congenital Lingbao gave him ,how could it make the Xiangliu not impressed .
relationresultOnlythe Xiangliu is not a good speaker, so just took off the fairy flying ,but did not say anything .Kong Yu is also not care how, and will look to the earth River Luoshu and nine nine scattered soul gourd ,then River Luoshu away ,the two congenital Lingbao while good, but for Kong Yu it was not of much use ,because he has learned to congenital gossip estimate method ,then River Luoshu away .
relationresultWhilelooking at the nine nine San soul gourd ,Kong Yu did not know what to do .Although he suspected in the nine nine scattered soul gourd may have kept Ziqi exists, but it is Kong Yu ,he was not sure .
Heart sighs, Kong Yuxian will be the nine nine soul gourd powder on the side, and then a hand ,ginseng fruit is in his hands .relationresultLooking at thegreen small ginseng fruit ,Kong Yu was a general point spirit ,all are bursting out of a God ,a huge attraction from the point spread to all ,then saw the ginseng fruit emits a green light to deep hole ,Kong Yu .
Come to ,the ginseng fruit is turned into a green light to Kong Yu right point within the fly away .relationresultBut inginseng fruit into Kong Yu body immediately after ,plane trees, peach trees and tree three tree innate spirit root is an insurrection up ,shares turbulent energy in the in vivo release Kong Yu up ,but then Kong Yu in the meridians on bursting out of a gold ,the riot energy to put down this path ,the gold is the merit of the natural gold .
relationresultHavegood gold help ,Kong Yu was relieved ,soon in the merit gold ,ginseng fruit by energy and sycamore trees ,peach trees and tree energy for peaceful coexistence ,are beginning to offer Kong Yu everfount energy ,see such a result, Kong Yu withdraws his mind ,attention again on nine nine scattered soul calabash .
relationresultIn vivomana mad gushing ,Kong Yu picked up the nine nine scattered soul gourd ,mana from Kong Yu hands out ,poured into the gourd to nine nine scattered soul ,then Kong Yu is as their mana into nine nine scattered soul gourd .
And when Kong Yu into nine nine scattered soul gourd inside ,is found in the nine nine San soul gourd that there is a large array ,layer upon layer ,do not know how many brother large array in front of Kong Yu .
relationresultIn themethod, although Kong Yu is reading is not much, but there are still some sense ,know this large array is an array of magic ,if slightly careless will fall into cannot extricate oneself .
Kong Yu knows this is the nine nine scattered soul gourd powerful of the Department ,it is precisely because of these magic matrix ,makes the soul of nine nine powder hoist is so powerful .
relationresultIn thata phantom array around a round red fog, which is before Kong Yu saw the Brahman in the use of nine nine scattered soul gourd from the red fog, fog in that round Kong Yu was extremely terrible energy ,know it all red fog is the nine nine bulk spirit gourd killer .
relationresultThephantom array and fog, Kong Yu did not understand ,in the * * force under the protection, hole through a large array of jade ,through the clouds of fog ,towards the nine nine scattered soul gourd core .
Although Kong Yu is not sure in this nine nine scattered soul gourd is it right? Have kept Ziqi but still need to carefully explore again .relationresultJust let Kong Yusome disappointment Related articles:

