
beats by dre pro capture the town

Step into ,his calm face ,glance look different fifteen immortal God ,and then on to Barry male .relationresult Your brother . Barry male sees ,hurried down the main base ,warmly welcome to Zhou Jijun, this war victory ,to overcome the town of day ,all are dependent on the monarch power .
The main base position when you brother to sit .relationresult Even assuming, please also had the back seat . Zhou Jijun chuckled to Barry hung on the main seat, his hundred male first sought a seat to sit down .
relationresultBarry male look at Zhou Jijun ,and looks at the church is active all the immortal God ,then end up Jiuzhong Road , the coalition victory ,flow ,capture the town day ,you have .
Come, my first respect you . , relationresultJiuzhong have raised ,Zhou Jijun light sip ,Yu swept all the people ,but see the East visitor expressionless ,and marshal Li Ping Pagoda with several wire troubled .
relationresultA watered ,Barry male wipe lips ,fiery eyes float ,loudly , today, in this celebration banquet ,in addition ,Moto Oko will be the big rewarded ,all battle force ,I hesitate to reward .
, relationresultThen, Barry male turned to Zhou Jijun ,said discussion ,your brother you see how ,today a war I northern army fairy God have made a great merit ,the God will ... .
.. , relationresultHis voice, the church under the fifteen immortal god besides Li car ,all eager to look at Zhou Jijun ,only to get a lady .relationresult He very good . Zhou Jijun nodded ,then smiled , as handsome as rewards and punishments, active to reward ,the wrong will be punished .
, relationresultShe said ,Zhou Jijun mood suddenly changed, voice somewhat indifferent overflow .relationresult Please also had ordered the fairy God is attached to the outside of the camp, beheaded ! , relationresultThe body of the 219th chapter ofthe whole army , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2010-10-12 15:02:38 chapter number :3208 , relationresultZhou Jijun voice falls ,large account within become silent ,the curtain calls from bottom up in here ,before the people ,that God had fourteen cents feel heart Toru cold ,complexion changes greatly .
relationresult This ... Why ? Barry male holding Jiuzhong ,frowning very surprised looked at Zhou Jijun , but they all bravely fighting the enemy ,made a great merit . , relationresult Bravely fighting the enemy ?Kill those ordinary soldiers and lone monk ? Zhou Jijun light around Jiuzhong ,look to be on tenterhooks fourteen immortal God ,sneers , if the eight arm is in the divine emperor ,lest the army has the whole army was wiped out .
Before battle ,Li Shuai has been interested ,you would not listen to ,speak against itself had also ,God will not put an immortal Shuaifang Lee in the eyes ?Hum ,you are immortal God ,can be in the army only to deploy generals only, but was arrogant to such a degree .
, relationresult disregard the situation in general ,leave you again have what use? Prince ,please also will they Xiaoshou rule to su ! , relationresultCold words echo in the camp ,the circulation ,the fourteen fairy God has surface such as ash .
Zhou Jijun Yu float to hundreds of miles in the male ,but he was fading ,his underlip ,is shilly-shally .Zhou Jijun played the moving finger ,brow slightly loosen his overbearing ,just a word is in trial in male ,as long as he slightly unhappy, Zhou Jijun will choose another piece or a new layout ,but so far ,there is not a hundred male only, never mind ,even though Zhou Jijun did have the words have been taken .
relationresultSlightly the vicissitudes of the voice, lift cup and drink Zhou Jijun mouth weiqiao .relationresult Please accept purist thunderwrath son slightly .To err is humane ,fourteen immortal God just in my army ,on military matters not what .
Besides just a war they did contribute greatly, also be right . , relationresultI ,fourteen immortal god have revealed the grateful look to counsel was Li Ping ,and Barry male is put on a smile on the face , Li Yuanshuai said what ,you brother still drink less ,a little angry .
, relationresultZhou Jijun looked all over the face for fourteen immortal God ,that a long mouth ,airway , or ,if not the heir and Li Shuai discouraged ,with my patience will hand you execute, deprivation of god !Avoid escape death ,suffering ,your next exploits are not count ,had you? , relationresultBarry male look at Zhou Jijun ,but also look to the long sigh of the immortal gods ,big beat the table , so be it !You can have the fairy God accept ? , relationresultAfraid to.
relationresultTo month fox Zhenjun headed fourteen immortal God ,in unison ,back is covered with sweat .Four month fox is in Zhou Jijun house on South Road ,Zhou Jijun is scared and jealous ,although not hell-bent ,but dare not have faithful .
Fall mountain ten fairy God although each great history ,but Zhou Jijun is dragon old brother ,with this relationship ,also dare not accept .relationresultLaugh acoustic number ,Barry male will pot wine drink ,his red face looked at Zhou Jijun ,then said , your brother I die like four years ago in the capital ,not to mention now cloud state already with extreme ease .
Your brother is my right-hand man ,not letter ,your brother is going to be pushed ,or do you want to be king ? , relationresult Prince too strong . Zhou Jijun looked at the eye was a bit tipsy Barry chuckled a male ,channel , is not knot ,also did not establish in the capital, in this line rewarded .
But the army is to set the official name ,or name is not suitable ,it is wrong . , relationresult Rational ,beats by dre pro,rational . Barry male nod ,he looked at the eye has not speaking East visitors ,said , old has an ability to rule the country only, came down to me the army ,the army of you .
, relationresult Thanked prince . East guest body sway, but no more than light up ,he came to Zhou Jijun ,her bottom across the gloomy and dissatisfaction .relationresult Li Yuanshuai and the father with the world is one of five players ,I have the General Lee as the arms ,today give you my northern army first marshal ,based in the army .
, relationresult Xie . Li Ping rose salute .relationresultZhou Jijun smile ,put down the Jiuzhong said , in addition to the heir the letter ,I have a gift to marshal . , relationresultThen, his arms out from a shrine to Li Ping .
relationresult That day I said ,if Li Shuai would come in the army ,I will give you a god .It is today I killed eight arm God Jun ,Li Yuanshuai practiced it ,will be a tiger with wings added .
, relationresultThe immortal God will have to Li Ping to celebrate ,but Li Ping won the God you are slightly excited .The army public will have heard Li Ping fame, this several days also saw him deploy forces means superb ,heart is the love .
And fourteen cents for Li Ping speaks to God ,because has disappeared ,although some jealous ,but no dissatisfaction .relationresult Then it a job ,I have something to do, leaving here tonight .
Zhou Jijun stood up to hundred male arch submissively .relationresult Your brother ! Barry male a sharp ,quickly stood up and will Zhou Jijun hold , your brother just came back ,how to go ?Why in such a hurry ? , relationresult I do a matter large industry business, wait for me to come back for generations know .
Zhou Jijun herself has to speak the curtain ,his footsteps meal ,turn to Barry Hung Road , the conquest of the world not one or two years will be able to do ,can repair outreach ,occupying the cloud state after the first stable rear ,take the Magi ,win common feelings of people, and then make contact other despotic warlords, not impatient .
It asked the old gentleman, foreign affairs asked Li Yuanshuai ,such as . , relationresultThe barracks ,slopes, Ao cloud of stand, far north .Lonely moon milk artifact such as water and discharge, through her hair ,into the distance .
October ,white men to come, until to the Ao cloud behind, she is not looking back .relationresult Tonight we will go . Zhou Jijun looked to Ao cloud in moonlight shadow ,said softly .
relationresult Good . , relationresultWhatare you thinking about .relationresultAo Yun turned around ,she did not answer ,but she looked to Zhou Jijun ,seem to want to look for anything ,then a faint smile , you really deep thoughts .
, relationresult . , relationresult Just camp ,you first test hundred in the male mind ,helps Li Ping obtain the hearts of men ,but also to force to suppress the east house, lest he came out random words .
You just spent half of incense, this account has been controlled by you .The heir to seal you ,you are fearless of death for a just cause rejection ,but is intended as a transcendent identity Related articles:

