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AlthoughJin can make use of these twelve states ,cheap dr dre beats,four government in exchange for ten million through money ,but with the loss of the entire the Yellow River south of the new land for the price ,it is not worthwhile .
Because there is no guarantee that the Southern Song Dynasty ,it was twelve ,four government ,will keep its promise ,continue to use the money to redeem elsewhere .Less complete Yan Long place oneself in others to ,if they never did .
relationresultAnd the second pointis unacceptable to Jin ,cheap beats by dre,Jin suggest this is good ,want to keep the Southern Song Dynasty, undivided attention to Mongolia .How can the Mongolian judgment was handed to the Southern Song Dynasty ?Who knows ,in between the Song Dynasty Mongolian ,would drag Mongolia .
relationresultZhang Huwill be the credentials after reading, Wanyan long said: Bo Yi ,you can have a look at this . Speak gently waved ,two Chamberlain up a big box ,there are full of memorialize .
relationresultZhang Hu is nowthe minister ,nature has qualified to see ministers memorialize ,but his heart is very Qing Chu ,Wanyan long now let him look at these ,and not to let him begin to handle affairs ,thus : the emperor asked ,what is this ? , relationresultWanyanlong a weak smile ,said: the child is opposed to remove .
, relationresultZhang Huwinced, immediately understand .Daikin that can use public opinion to influence the decision ,so the song can also use public opinion in turn affect the pyramid of the affairs of state .
relationresultZhao Chen andYang Yan know of course, although the this proposal is filled with intrigue ,but they never can at first refused ,it was losing popularity ,therefore can only push Jin to destroy .
Therefore Zhao Chen first announced a high-profile ,agreed to accept the conditions ,and in the finance difficult circumstances ,active from inside the library that took money to redeem the lost .
This song Zhaoyeshangxia held immediately won the praise ,immediately seized the commanding elevation in moral .relationresultAnd Yang Yan alsoselected the twelve states ,four government office place ,as the big song first redemption of the first batch of state .
For this, the great song have nothing to say, although these twelve states ,four government is not in one place ,but scattered in the three block area, and it is of strategic importance, but not against the proposal ,but also Zhao Chen what one says is plausible.
,first the strategic back ,but also to prevent the repeated ah ,anyway, is to redeem to redeem it ,then a place can be .If gold is sincere ,there is no reason not to agree with big song request .
relationresultThenthe senator to Wang Yan petitioned the court of Mongolia ,suggested that the relationship is also written into the agreement will go ,this one was immediately week sunflower and leaves Yong opposition ,think this is great song and Jin agreement ,should not put Mongolia into .
But Wang Yan also have sufficient reason ,because there are Song Mongolian Federation ,only for the dominant position ,Jin is now really does not say ,how can give up Song Mongolian Federation ?That is if the make is steady army plan .
How to do ?It uses several city to hold out the song ,and after Mongolia would deal with big song and how to do ?relationresultTwenty-three peace talks ( below) , relationresultThisweek sunflower and leaves Yong also rejected the deal, and Zhao Ruyu also agreed with the opinion of Wang Yan ,think with this one, can try out the true mind .
In addition to Zhao Chen also insisted that a plus ,because it was the emperor case-dough ,Zhao Chen could speak much tougher ,so finally the article also added .relationresultIn fact,Yang Yan to the calculation ,with the two ,Jin basically are certainly could not have agreed, but to be on the safe side ,Yang Yan was offered a third ,in the opinion of .
relationresultWanyanlong ,Wanyan Fushou ,Na Lang Ming ,Zhang Hu et al were also estimated to redeem for land is a meter ,but the way to get gold by the identity ,but also afraid of their true intention is the song that ,so long as the Wanyan to fix ,recanalization after the .
In processing are also very bottom ,and so decided to negotiate ,to notify the other four government minister ,and let them keep secret ,other ministers to know nothing at all .relationresultFan Chengdarush rush all the way, because get the inspiration, all the way was very high ,along the way to meet officials to the propaganda of the event .
And along which the Jin officials do not know the imperial court also and song Zhaoda into such an agreement ,and was broadcast ,and there also the spy in the flames, so soon spread to all ,although the song mission has not arrived yet ,but all the Zhaoyeshangxia would have to know the .
While rumors after the agent processing, also expand indefinitely, became emperor in order to be busy at putting up installations ,expanding the palace of pleasure and so on purpose ,just want to give the land to buy the song .
relationresultAt anytime, clear-headed person are few ,the most junior officer ,can only see things surface phenomenon, to the same land go in exchange for money approach naturally cannot agree ,and oppose .
Plus there are a lot of people on the court decided to investigate the land tax reform Qing ,extremely dissatisfied ,just be Wanyan long with an iron hand forced down ,dissatisfaction can only move in the heart .
This is the advantage of this opportunity, one to the imperial court ,also using land to exchange for money resolution berating .While the song spies had continued to fan the flames ,the tide that opposed the growing .
relationresultAndZhao Chen uses a relatively open and transparent governance ,Wanyan long because it is using force to the throne ,and ascends the throne soon, so the former ministers dare not with trust ,so Jin although there are seven governing ministers ,but by end of Yan Long trust only Wanyan Fushou ,Na late Ming ,Zhang and the three people ,affairs of state and the three of them are discussed, the other four powers are basically the overhead .
relationresultFor a long time the other four have dissatisfaction, Chuyoshi is in the battlefield by Wanyan long to capitulate, fine, but the other three are greatly dissatisfied, Wanyan government were the complex obstacle of the heart, and Heliopolis stone Lieliang Bute and white Yanjing have self have meritorious service, since there are usually many complaints.
They on the court resolution although understand ,but also all have the same meaning ,but it also looks on indifferently ,happy to watch funny ha ha .relationresultBeforelong the Wanyan reading history when, always think the past large song emperors are too weak ,always be ministers ,some of it is good rule ,the correct policy will not be executed .
In his view ,the emperor can be ministers and opinion about ?Should be the only considered ,dogmatic, walk alone .As emperor he should pretend to hear ,beats dr dre,see the unknown way, hiding their * * ,wisdom ,so that the subjects were unable to consider the emperor preferences and intentions ,thus unable to please the Joker, and hide yourself .
relationresultThusWanyan long intends to close ,stop ,Wanyan Fushou Ming ,Zhang and three other ministers ,and to maintain a certain distance ,hand foot because these three people can trust ,another is to let the other ministers to give birth to high Wu measuring feeling ,this kind can hide a malicious intent ,there is not the intention to .
relationresultValuetime, Wanyan long finally understand that the Song Emperor ,had trouble .Because this time is not opposed to tax reform ,against a person can be said to exist mostly in sincerity to state ,and their practices also only to gold ,which made not a few words can be said to the Qing chu .
So it is for a goal ,but not compatible .relationresultSome people evenwrite to Wanyan long road :sire of Daikin the prosperous ,already on the old method ,the painting state plan ,to the world dup . Related articles:

