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Come, came to complete Yan Yong disease side ,turns and looks, but turned to change .Wanyan Yun Gong in the heart ,busy also scrape together the past ,tense : how ?Father what .
, relationresultSeveral ofthe imperial doctor being at a loss what to do ,for a moment, Ji Si Miao to fibrillation channel : the people unto the prince ,the emperor ... ... The emperor to the dead .
, relationresultHis voiceis not big, but in the end Yan Yungong sounds ,but not as a cry of surprise Xuan ,suddenly mind a piece of stone finally landing ,not from the great rejoicing ,father finally to the dead ,then later himself Emperor ,big Jin in his hands ,he no longer had this be always on tenterhooks ,circumspect a day ,can do as one pleases .
Think of here ,Wanyan Yun Gong could not help laughing out loud .relationresultAt this moment,Wanyan Baisa and Heliopolis stone columns with hundreds of Shahu Hu Wei to be arrived at the palace ,see Wanyan Yong to die ,two people are delighted, again and again to the Yan Yungong : Congratulations congratulations prince ,prince .
, relationresultBut thisframe has put several imperial doctor terrified ,hurried to finish color Yungong kneel down ,even track : Shan Shan prince ,prince . , relationresultWanyanYun Gong up Ji Si Miao ,ha-ha laughs: Ji doctor, you serve my father ,always conscientious ,the king is clear ,and innocent .
Only has this disease ,but this rule ,not human can be retrieved, is not your fault .You say that ? , relationresultA few peoplethat did not understand the word meaning Yan Yungong ,Ji Si Miao said : the prince said, this is a emperor died ,not human can save .
, relationresultWanyanBaisa to face a sink, said: fool ,Prince have said such a thing ? , relationresultJiSi Miao startled, knew he was wrong, hurriedly and kneeling down, kowtow as hens ,says: ,it is ,is his diagnosis ,the emperor died of the illness ,cheap beats by dre.
Knowing that there must be something ,all can ,thus determined ,as long as this can back home with his wife and child ,immediately fled, fled to the Southern Song Dynasty .relationresultWanyanYun Gong that nodded ,and said: well ,you must remember ,later can never wrong .
, relationresultSeveralruling minister gets the message ,when arrived at the palace ,Wanyan Yun Gong was lying in the royal bed cried half alive .While several ruling minister see immediately ,the emperor to the shelf break up, then the first regardless of the other things, all kneel in front of the bed, and more than all ,beats by dre uk,burst into tears .
Only the Wanyan Fushou wondering ,generally in the emperor before his death, would move to see the minister ,prince how to come .relationresultSomepeople don how long cry ,then over her Chamberlain in succession ,several ruling minister that stopped the grief ,wiped away tears, all rose to .
But after Yan Yungong also fell on Dragon bed edge, wept .The ministers and to advise the prince ,then spent a lot of effort, had advised over Yan Yungong avoid strong stop crying .
relationresultZhang Haothis before: you adults ,the emperor frame collapse is sad, but the country can you ,the people can the lord .I still have to put in a new emperor ascended the throne at an early date is .
, relationresultWanyanYun Gong wiped the nose ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,said: a few older adults ,Wang was father set for a prince ,and to inspect China for more than one year, however, Wang no material without virtue, not my father of the case of hate ,not from the father to the underground ,dare not succession T ,please choose virtuous Germany in adults the universal human ,who inherited .
Xiao Wang will henceforth ,into the forest ,as the father to see Ling period . , relationresultZhang Haodao: Your Highness. It is said what have already made ,first emperor of HRH Prince ,and later life of HRH monitoring country ,ask your highness not inherit ,and who can afterwards ,your highness will not refuse, please immediately declared the house early on ,set name .
, relationresultChuyoshi also said: And highness is first emperor period ,to abandon my .So the people ask what filial piety ,and than .Also please highness is Daikin Jiangshan sake, early pedal base ,with soothing .
, relationresultWanyanYong is a body ,although some sudden death ,but it is not something too big surprise .In addition to Wanyan Fushou ,several other administrative secretary to Prince who ,although ability also have dissatisfaction ,but never to find others for the emperor .
And although this time Prince first arrived at the palace ,a bit strange ,but also does not cause them too much doubt that ,after all, the prince is free of entering the palace ,maybe just in time .
Therefore some people agreed ,immediately called the ,will name a set .While the Wanyan Fushou heart doubts while increasing ,but at this time also represent the general trend ,no objection to ,but also with the people ,advocate immediately crowned after Yan Yungong king .
relationresultWanyanYun Gong was very happy, but on her face there was a serious embarrassment to pretend ,Tuici repeatedly ,say what also do not allow .Zhang Hao is five in the old, natural this knowing what to do, so the first lead, goes to the Yan Yungong left, Chuyoshi quickly took over Yan Yungong right hand, Heliopolis stone Lechning and Wanyan government were behind pushing, Heliopolis stone Lieliang Bute, Wanyan Fushou, Bai Yanjing bunch, half pull over, finally put Yan Yungong back to the palace.
, relationresultThen getbell drum ,will all the officials called on house ,declaring the Wanyan Yong to frame its message ,and finished three at nine yen Yungong worship ceremonies, official recognition of Yan Yungong to inherit the throne .
relationresultJin Dading fifteen years( 1175) on seven February ,the emperor Wanyan Yong frame collapse ,died at the age of fifty-two ,in the fifteen year of his reign .Prince Yan Yungong succeeded to the throne after the end ,Gai yuan for safety .
Statue of Wanyan Yong miaohao sejong .relationresultThree ends with Yan Changzhi ( on) , relationresultFollow the Providence ,Emperor Yellow King write say :Prince Yanan ,dragon Huwei general, deputy to the Secretary ,behind Nanjing ,Kaifeng governor ,and Nanjing Road, Ma duct ,Wanyan long ,Xu loyalty ,Shen Yi champion .
Wang active ,much toil ,special seal Wanyan long for PU king ,after Yan Ruixian ,as the princess in China ,gives food city five thousand households, five hundred households real letter .
The main practice .Chin check . , relationresultWanyanlong shouting : thank the purpose lead well, long live ,viva viva . The North even worship three times ,then took the imperial edict .
relationresultThename Wang Jue is divided into three in three ,Wang a baron ,but finish Yan Long prior to the offering of knighthood, and high .But after Yan Ruixian has also obtained the title of princess .
In general ,the first emperor frame collapse ,the new king ascended the throne ,will be on the first emperor active old hill a Jin order rewarded ,so long the promotion of Wanyan is a very normal thing .
relationresultSince theWanyan Fushou write told Wanyan length ,the ministers agreed to Cape Wind ,please finish the Yan Yong doctor in veins ,and so long to go please Pu Wanyan wind things ,although the letter Wanyan Fushou and said no more .
But after Yan long he knew ,if own inference is good, is someone to Emperor poisoned ,then this letter will undoubtedly become a symbol of the emperor .But he knew ,his father-in-law is forced to do so ,but also to write this letter .
Thus Wanyan long also helpless ,can only reply to the court ,said he is willing to go to .relationresultSure enough,before ten days, all came from the emperor Wanyan Yong illness without treatment ,to frame collapse ,prince to the following message .
At the same time ,Wanyan Fushou also had sent letter ,tell the Wanyan long ,oneself to after the investigation clearly :in Wanyan Yong frame collapse before a period of time, the prince Yan Yungong is supposed to be in the east end in ,but he has been kept in the palace ,the emperor appears and the critically ill ,was originally first action sees the ruling minister ,but was sent to the imperial palace of the Chamberlain Dai Fuan was stopped until the ruling prince ,Minister Chuan Chao received ,then enters the first emperor . Related articles:

