
Beats by Dre Just Beats nresultThissong mak

To recover Shandong ,China are for take place, even if the siege of Qixian County by the solution, Lee Memorial department also cannot clap with one hand ,automatic withdrawal . , relationresultWanyanYong was also known as military emperor ,after Yan Changzhi said finally calm down ,he nodded : long as you rightly say ah !So you return Chen Chen ,adjustable the army to complex wins Shandong ,I will finish the decree Yan Chenghui to help Bai Yanjing recover in may .
As far as I could to others ,Yangshan ,army went to the rescue . , relationresultWanyanlong wanted to persuade emperor Buyaoquguan black Yangshan ,but thought or did not say it, just go back to Wanyan Yong Chen .
relationresultThenext seven black , relationresultThissong make a hurried journey without stop ,people rushed to the Yang Wu ,here only about 10 miles from black mountain ,is almost the moment is to .
Yang Yanjian then it was early ,and by the million Xiansheng offered him a secluded cove to rely on the water ,temporarily as garrison resting place ,let the army to rest ,eating ,horses ,etc.
after dark to attack black mountain .But Yang Yan is not the effect, side sent scouts to inquire the news spread of more than 10 dialing ,also called Wei Chang the eagle side out ,from aerial reconnaissance the Jin army .
relationresultWhile thefemale soldiers were finally have the opportunity to take a bathe himself bonding with melon blood ,but who have no appetite to eat .relationresultThe soldiersin the rest of the time, Yang Yan was recruiting generals ,assigned tasks .
Because Chen Yichao was sent off ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,the first main body conductors Liu Fuwu alone ,Yang Yan Wang Shilong is also modulated first camp Liu Fuwu .Yang Yanling then left Xin Qiji and Wei Changling in here on guard over a horse ,black heavy ,vehicle ,and monitor the Jin army .
The other four battalions were to burn food .relationresultYang Yanben wanted thesoldiers also left ,but Zhao Yueru insisted to burn food ,while other women are not resigned to playing second fiddle ,are required to go to .
But Yang Yan ,had to agree ,they will be also incorporated into the four battalion .relationresultWhen two ofthe eagle in the sky flying up and down is very hurried ,Wei Chang made a face, said: behind the Golden Army ,about sixty or seventy miles away from here .
I have seen for a while will have scouts back news . , relationresultIn sixty-seven,if the cavalry ,or two hours to get to the .Yang Yan looks the day ,Artist Series,this is the dusk ,but now is May season, day short night ,although with the sun ,but still very bright .
But now can ,Yang Yan immediately ordered a life ,people continue to monitor the Jin army movements ,a herald soldiers ready to go .relationresultJin Junis located in black sun at the foot of the mountain, the mountain knot camp .
As temporary selected here as the grain tuen .Therefore Dazhai built than the effect of simple ,just by a row of wooden tie for the fence ,there is countless grain stack .A barrier to the hill as high .
The Jin army stationed here about fifteen thousand people ,but most teaching is to act as a handyman, a real soldier only five thousand ,and also are some of the soldiers .relationresultButbecause of the black Yangshan in Jin territory, away from the battlefield ,so black Yangshan granary was will bo but not the heart grain safety .
In addition to food and food will be busy with some outside ,usually do not have much to do ,so nothing is Bo weekdays and several longtime leader together with wine for the music .
Anyway, this wine is less ,a few places again calculate what .relationresultDue tothe national most forage are assembled here, therefore ,in Nanjing Road ,Hebei Road ,Shandong road road to have different levels of a food shortage .
Then Bo had bought some food ,do the business to be made a fortune here anyway ,Tuen Zhi close to a million stone grain ,Beats Detox,less 1800 stone who examine .Bo to hope that long-term at down ,so he grows rich .
He started back to plan ,can buy many acres of land ,to quit the government is a landlord is also good .relationresultWhenBo in the camp and several leaders are gets drunk .Because of the hot weather ,they each are stripped to the waist ,wearing only a pair of shorts ,while still pushing forest change lamp ,finger-guessing game rule ,awfully .
relationresultThen,a soldier popped into account, pig ,called : ,adults ,with troops to kill ,with troops . , relationresultButhas drunk also membrane peptide Bo don ,vague : the army came .
.. ... You bet !To your country ... ... Your own arrangements on the line ,do not ask me ... ... Come, come ... ... We drink ... ... Drink . , relationresultThesoldiers rush to stamp , ,can not be to country ,is to cook food .
Sir, you wake up ,not the . , relationresultBoHa laughs: burn ... ... Burn well ... ... This wine is burned ... ... Burned . , relationresultHe is said,listen only Park an arrow through the tent top down , and ,just nail in the table alone ,arrow Chi burning flames .
relationresultWith ,Bo was hand body the bowl on the floor ,and smashed .Although the weather in May ,had started out in a cold sweat ,was immediately woke half ,ears heard only a whoosh whoosh , arrow pierced the air sound can be heard without end .
Bo know well, also did not wear clothes ,bare arms out of the account, with the aid of the dusk setting sun afterglow look, only in the fifty paces away ,many white-clad Song Jun lined up with the Rockets ,thousands of vector as locust general to Dazhai ,he is also a mess ,Wales army ,a handyman in arrow down people have many ,other people are looking for a place to hide arrow .
Some arrows into tents ,tents ,grain stack ,the grain stack burning grass ,while the fire is not big, but the sparks of fire to a prairie fire .relationresultThereport also followed the taxi army ran out of the account, while still Bo side shouting adults ,adults ,the how to do ah ,you come to think of a way .
, relationresultBohad hit him, said: to think of a way ?Guess what? Don go out ,go out . It was built in the granary to fire ,special was dug several wells ,but now the arrows song such as raindrops fall under the Ministry ,who dare out fire .
relationresultThe originalSong Jun Yang Yan led the way to the black Yangshan former granary ,no any barrier ,has been rushed to the Jin army barn wooden before about fifty steps ,Yang Yan immediately ordered to Song Jun fanning lined up, all to the Golden Army Dazhai fired rocket .
Song Jun archery is not light ,but archery arrows upwards ,drawing a parabola ,rain of fire general falls to the barn .relationresultContinuousinjection of more than 10 wheel arrows ,Yang Yan found that the grain village to the defenseless ,even sporadic resistance and No .
Yang Yan immediately ordered to the barn red .Cao Xun ,high shock ,Liu Fuwu ,Wang Shilong led a battalion of four ,two battalion troops rushed to gold camp .Rushed to the city near Song Jun in succession ,Lasso ,set to Mucha ,more than 1000 Song Jun pull back hard ,just listen to crash crash will be opened immediately barred several notches ,Song Jun in succession horse barn in influx .
relationresultTo thegold camp Song Jun is a hand holding a torch ,saber ,reached the gold camp not rapid ignition ,but everyone can kill ,to account to kill the grain main bottom kill to .
Camp Golden Army no resistance to the power of song ,was killed with corpses everywhere, scattered .And escape from the grain main Jinbing are right outside the camp for three battalion ,four battalion .
The song reached the grain camp, outside guarding three camp four and camp will cease to gold camp archery ,but donkey fruit Jinbing escape ,then there will be no mercy killing .relationresultWhen ascout, Yang Yan went to the side ,said: to pull over ,behind a team gold army ,about fifteen thousand men ,to the direction of black came to us now ,less than thirty miles ,ask an adult to decide . Related articles:

