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Night we ate it ,Beats Solo HD.relationresultHa ha ha .....However ,your confusion Corps has so much? All seemed to be in the open for you .Where is this coming from .relationresultZhebaiquestion is very normal ,after all :Chaos warriors .
Foreign people are top secret .BOT smiled : my brother ,the details I can ,this is the military provisions ...# .You can rest assured :since I promised chief sorcerer adults to recapture the commander ,I can do it , relationresultOr the like so confident ?Dragon sergeant .
... , relationresultOlympic ..Enough !relationresult..You follow what to .The prince had also really is, how can so many commanders ,to call me that ....relationresultHa ha ha ha ,I feel pretty good ,and you are like the dragon as useful as the warrior .
Very apt ..relationresult....relationresultAsthe voice of Bott landing ,a sound as if from remote antiquity to the horn,Beats Detox, all over the earth .relationresultGod* * immediately moves up ,the first is the variety of banner transforms ,his mobile .
relationresultWolf ridersand thunder rhino army quickly started the assault ,their armor in the moon reflects the light under the irradiation of large ,like a rainbow like to shining straight into the enemy troops .
relationresultThe mountainDragon Knights is also the first time to take off ,simple small circle gathered force ,they are like the smoke ,dust from the air to go forward with great strength and vigour of human .
( to be continued ,such as for his funeral, please visit www**com ,section more ,support author ,support the genuine reading !) , relationresult. relationresultThe two volume of the ninety chapter , relationresultClassof course also not resigned to playing second fiddle ,Griffin and giant eagle first time against enemy ground forces like a beast ,the seemingly slow real fast into the up .
relationresultBe the first to bear the bruntof the Legion is known as unbeaten spell armored infantry ,they run up huge body ,but did not show any bulky ,like a rolling down the hillside megalith ,regardless of style or visual impact has a claim to be shocking .
relationresultLarge number ofarrows and attack magic from the black army into the sky, and then as a sandstorm to coalition .relationresultAlmost at the same time,the camp was quickly responded, the number of absolute than orcs colored arrows pierced the air thick ,straight back to the imperial warrior .
relationresultLarge number ofarrows and magic to a parabola in the shooting, excessive quantities formed a very high density ,time had covered the sky in the cold months ,so that the flyer are difficult to see underground comrades .
However. It does not matter ,they have their own to do things ,bloody Blue Knights timely to form a plurality of triangular war ,toward the same complete formation arrangement of Griffin and giant eagle rushed .
For most of the Dragon Knights ,today is a big day ,not only because of imminent war, mainly in front has claimed the continent most combat arms of the Griffin knights .relationresultThearms of different Fei-long Yu knights or other flying units, they are the earliest air force .
It is said that originated in meteorite from the wife .A beautiful woman and any alien communication .relationresultGriffin is thelife in white stone mountain powerful monster ,is also very few continental original monster ( most of the monsters are the demons then create battle beast has descended ) their tough is beyond doubt, but powerful outside Griffin was born with the consciousness of teamwork and very clever .
Allegedly ancient times great strong golden Gryphon ethnic group is to kill any living even the devil can also .relationresultBut nowthe changes over time ,Griffin also inevitable decline ,golden Gryphon now is extremely uncommon ,and every one in the market price ,is associated with a small town .
relationresultBut,now also only mainland territory contains Baishishan Pound Empire ,with Griffin training methods ,it is precisely because of this Pound has maintained combat first nation .
relationresultDragonKnight as the orc veteran combat forces ,and the Wyvern and the same is the mainland native monster griffin .Between them the more connected it early, at least to back to the first human on the orc invasion .
But when the bloody orchid in the equipment can not be put on a par with the Griffin knights ,all too often fail even if occasionally not wins a victory is numerous Dragon Knight blood and pile .
relationresultSo,now well equipped training harsh bloodshed in the Blue Knights each on the Griffin knights are to be eager for a fight ,vowing revenge ,while the opposite side of the Griffin Knights by Emperor Pound command ,along with Princess Robbie and Chhill come together in support of the coalition ,is naturally be desperate battle to defend the honor of the country ,cheap dr dre beats.
relationresultIs seeinga battle near at hand !relationresultTwoflyer each riding mounts .Straight wings soaring crashing into each other .relationresultThe long beak to wildcat is in front .
Follow me .Bloody orchid .For thousands of years to the stigma of today to be cleaned .They will be the best trophy Shangdi feather .It will make your dragon flash light .relationresultFollow mysoldiers .
Bloody orchid always flying !! , relationresultBloody blue forever flying !! Dragon Knights to roar in high .Like is a kind of signal .Wizards start chanting practice behind .Little light flashes in soldiers .
relationresultOpposite siderelationresultThe Knights of Pound ,your badges destined to belong to your glory ,touch your best friend ;its feathers will bring you endless power .They help us in the sky to dominate many years ,from long ago you know :a Griffin we are doomed to be invincible .
relationresultThe knights,follow me .For the emperor and the glory , relationresultFor the emperor and the glory human and orc roar as neat loud ,in fact :they also and orcs as courageous and loyal .
relationresultThe GriffinKnights have raised hand crossbow ,aim is just to start the preparation of implementation magic attack the Dragon knights .relationresultAttack magicarrows and crossbow in colleague launch ,the surface is like dragon knight attack is more violent ,but attack magic is not close to the enemy ,the Griffin Knights quickly out of human control ,mount skill is laudable ,large tracts of the Griffin knights as proposed in the different in the direction of scattered away ,let the Empire did not produce any effect .
relationresultIt istheir human riders ,timely in flight started shooting .The short but sharp arrows ,have hit the imperial knight ,issued a jingling sound .Our strength in the long distance flight ,and wind disturbances ,lost enough impact force ,is not enough to fully armored bloody orchid are causing harm .
relationresultAnd theDragon Knights is also the first time into a group of three people, each other are not long distance .But the group to group but scattered very capacious .And so the same powder , relationresultIsthe Griffin Knights intertwined .
relationresultIt also fully reflectsthe two flyer :the difference between the Griffin Knights flexible and strong maneuverability ,dragon knight in flexibility although slightly inferior ,but sophisticated armor and more out of the master ,but in defense and attack force has great promotion .
relationresultIn the skycomplete chaos ,forces on the ground without doing nothing .relationresultBoth thearmy like two huge waves ,roaring crash together .Long before contact ,imperial
order spread among the Department ,efforts to promote the wolf riders in order ,rapid suppression of the forward speed ,the neck is fluttering red long towel Knights showed excellent Related articles:

