
Beats by Dre Just Beats nresultThenfrom the

Will not believe ,said: I have investigated process adults ,clear ,Manichaeism and is now hiding in the mysterious temple of law ,and the large number of adults ,if not the letter ,can be sent to the temple .
, relationresultWhenthe disfavour at court listening to the words of Yang Yan nodded ,of Cheng Chau said: process Dazhou ,that felt too odd to prevent withdrawal of Manichaeism ,in case .
, relationresultCheng Yuanzhou glared at him: Zhao Tong is sentenced ,you come to Guangzhou, in office less than two months, do not know this mysterious temple is located by what ?The mystery method temple is the largest temple in the city of Guangzhou ,incense heyday, believers like clouds .
Method view of Dharma Master ,air master ,five years ago also received imperial letters ,not their undocumented ,the officer can listen to save this one-sided statement ,sent to search the mysterious law temple ? , relationresultYang Yansaw that the Zhao disfavour at court help himself to speak, is some gratitude ,see he is about thirty years old, medium stature ,thin and long ,three skein to be to is like the ornamental and the combined plain properties .
Cheng Yuanzhou said : to know ,he sidewalk adults ,very period will be very seriously, Manichaeism withdrawal was very fishy ,to guard against .While the eye is black law temple is in Guangzhou City ,but also for adults under the jurisdiction ,sent to search for business once again ,if unreliable method temple and no hidden Manichaeism ,why fear us to search the temple ? , relationresultChengChau hum one track: if not found that people ,what will ? , relationresultYangYan said : Cheng adults, I is for the sake of safety of Guangzhou haiku ,sure as a gun .
Even if the process I am rows of people to search by mysterious temple, should also be in the city layout of the army ,by strict provide against any misfortune . ,Beats Detox, relationresultCheng Yuanzhoudoesn believe that Yang Yan ,he on three big pirate coalition strength confidence ,do not believe they have mixed with the city .
Therefore disdain : the city of martial law ?Yang Senate you talk easy ,but know that inevitable jittery ,if caused any turbulence ,you can be away ,but by the officer to clean up the mess ? , relationresultYang Yan andYin Shibiao looked at each other ,only relatively smile .
It is in any case could convince the Cheng Chau .relationresultZhao Tongpan alsowanted him to argue a few words ,but Cheng Yuanzhou said: well, you don to much ,but now it to the very late ,the officer must rest ,you go back and rest earlier .
He and Yang ,Jiang Jing mansion military must be very nervous, Guangzhou all is well. Now ,I think you go back as soon as possible static River house . He slammed the sleeves ,and must enter the cella .
relationresultSeeCheng Chau down the order for guests to leave ,Yang Yan also can not help but feel angry, anyway my fair has said ,Cheng Yuanzhou will not listen to them that there is no way .
He couldn take the five hundred troops to stay. He killed it ,and said: process of adults ,if you hold to not listen to advice that will not have no way, ask an adult to immediately we next palindrome ,we had to leave Guangzhou .
, relationresultCheng Yuanzhouhas not they leave a little early ,and returned to his seat ,saying: or the officer ,this will give you put a palindrome . Then took the pen and paper ,Artist Series,began writing a palindrome .
relationresultWhileZhao Tongpan felt wrong ,but also feel helpless .Yang Yan heart is angry ,not the original look at Cheng Chau ,simply turned away ,back on the court and in front of the door .
Suddenly, eyes twinkle, see the opposite roof flashed the shadow ,followed by several cold to lobby shot in .relationresultYang Yanhearts ,know well, came in, he put the wind forest volcano to wait outside the LX, Huang Mingxia with them ,then only wore the crimson executioner as a treasure .
The present busy shouted : be careful . Left hand right hand palm pushed Yin Shibiao ,pull out the royal blood when ,according to a when twice ,shot down two arrow .But there are three arrows into the hall ,one of which hit a police station hall ,there is an arrow was shot on the desk in the court .
relationresultCheng Yuanzhou wasbroke out in a cold sweat ,a soft hand ,pen fell to the ground ,whole person also sank to the chair alone ,his voice alone : to people ... ... Assassins .
.. ... , relationresultThenfrom the courtyard wall of shadows fall in seven or eight ,a rate of black towel masked ,each with his weapons .Guard the guards be taken by surprise ,it was cut to several .
Several other Jianshibumiao ,break up in an uproar .relationresultAssassinin the US-led a slim, seems to be a woman ,so that a pair of the hand water thorn ,thorn was two officers ,one step scramble into the lobby ,raise hand ,three light to shoot past Cheng Yuanzhou .
relationresultYang Yanzaoare ready, waved his hand , crimson as Dan destroyed three grapefruit arrow .Yin Shibiao also climb from the ground up Lei ,pulled out the sword ,and Cheng Chau drought has been scared into hiding behind the table below .
Is that Zhao Tongpan has to face danger fearlessly ,in command of the station hall guards protect Cheng chau .relationresultWhen the otherassassins have into the lobby ,a total of seven individuals, including men and women .
Yang Yan wondered ,could they be a man ?Why choose today to kill Cheng Yuanzhou ?But Manichaeism in master himself almost all know, these people are masked ,but Yang Yan can determine the basic ,they know no one can teach ,Mani and hidden master ?relationresultYang Yan couldunderstand ,assassins sent rob offense ,it makes the girl rushed Yang Yan thorn ,waved his hand ,two long spines and pierce Yang Yan ,chest and abdomen .
Other people also each hold the sword and the guards playing together .relationresultYang Yanwas slightly to one side, the hands of the crimson as a flat cut out ,this trick answerer ,cut to the woman throat .
The woman with a large starlings ,did not think of Yang Yan sword was so smart ,hurried to take a step back ,away from the sword .The sword of Yang Yan force on, brush ,brush ,brush for another three sword ,to the woman cut off ,although only the crimson as Dan power far less wind forest volcano but will also kill the woman got busy feet ,back again and again .
relationresultDefendstate Ya 3 seventeen , relationresultYang Yanthen heart can conclude, himself in the Manichaean absolutely not met this woman ,but the woman martial arts can be up to five rows and flag is the same level ,in view of this group to the assassin martial arts ,also did not support that teach Dharma master .
If it is to assassinate Manichaeism ,will not send such roles .Apparently not moni .But if not Manichaeism ,then who is going to assassinate Cheng Lei Chau ?relationresultWhen themagistrate of Yamen fielding such rises in succession cut the throat ,to the foot of fifty or sixty people .
The woman at the situation is wrong ,immediately said: you go .The dog life back then . With a sideways out of court ,fly on the wall .Several other assassins disappeared ,also confused about out of court ,cross the wall out ,run out of .
relationresultYangYan thought this group of people is what comes to is to figure out ,busy on the Yin Shibiao : Yin all business ,you stay here ,I assassin . Speak out of the lobby, toes point to fly on the wall .
But late so a Kung Fu ,that seven people have fled to the roof ,outside the lake yamen .relationresultJustLX, Huang Mingxia and the two children of Huang Taisong and Huang Taibai with a few yellow outside waiting for them ,Yang Yan wind forest volcano member Huang Taisong holding .
Yang Yan is busy shouted : Ling brother ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,stopped them, don run . , relationresultLing Xiangalso found several figures from the known wall jump, is strange ,heard Yang Yan shout frugality ,although do not know to what ,but to pull out the sword, catch up .
His video of Prosmart ,in others ,a few ups and downs turned a corner will catch up with those assassins .The assassin to see someone catch up ,turned around and against .relationresultYang Yanfrom Huang Taisong answer was wind forest volcano ,but late first-line ,see they have already made up ,busy and exclaimed: Ling brother ,need him alive . Related articles:

