
www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com mining those crysta

Chapter 518 mines for minerals
Originally needing several hundred years just can carry out of affair, because the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches the emergence of former incumbent religious leader and then reaches a while, the Jing dollar in whole body 709 acupuncture pointses overflows with, he can the Hun thick degree of the Jing dollar in the clear felling body have already been getting noer longer what it was before.Haven't got into that crystal mineral, he has been fully satisfied and gets the advantage of far super his imagination!
Fire Feng small Han 2 people are also very surprised, 2 people knows a gold stone the insect can eat a dollar crystal, can eat each kind of rock and metal, but really don't know the gold stone insect is once melt, there being also this kind of extraordinary effect.
Is also as it does, 2 people the time in belligerence, see Ji vast sky at one the every drop ivory bathe in the drop of water, didn't take any action.
Once ate 2 people of gold stone insect suffering, even feeling those liquids might hurt them, so white white cheapness Ji vast sky.Teach the former incumbent religious leader how to leave in that Ao Luo's absolute being certainly, and Ji vast sky then they also realized when the full face is pleased the in the interval is afraid is have what cat get fed up with, also cross-examined.
The Ji vast sky nature can't say more what, just smiled to smile, say those gold stone the insect become of the liquid is some advantages to his body, but don't elaborate on exactly is what advantage.Fire Feng small Han although the heart contains doubt,have no to ask more, but right away negotiate to want don't get into a dollar crystal mineral.
The former incumbent religious leader that the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches has been already escaped and talks about according to the truth, should can't have again in that crystal mineral what dangerous, these 2 people slightly an add up, then decide to keep on taking a risk a to explore.
The Ji vast sky didn't obstruct this time, on the contrary and full of beansly and 2 people went deep into the tunnel of that black You You together, probably because gold stone insect all not at, have no the breathing of gloomy and cold Lie to spread any further inside that tunnel, this makes 3 people more affirmative underneath can't again in danger.
Went a period of time, 3 people haded been going deep into till in the underground, under the leading of fire Feng, their turns and twists of affairs changed a tunnel and finally arrived at one full is the huge cavern of black stone iron soil.
The cave diameter is 100 meters, extremely the breadth saves, but has no one silk shining, fix at 3 people so much for extraordinary, all have flame lighting, unwillingly can see the scenery of one this cave.
Inside the cave, it is full to is the eyelet of the pit pit Wa Wa on the wall, have a beard-show be mined of trace.Some eyelets are very small, cautiously see, only have soybean generally big, 3 people just saw one eye and then and immediately affirmed those very small entrance to caves drive gold stone the insect crawled through."Is here."The fire Feng ordered to nod and stretched hand to press down a piece of dark stone wall, the fire on the hand was burning to fly to divert, that cliff in a short while and then roasts of melt.
Small Han Leng for a while, also Don't mention it take out the ice sword that a handle arm grows, that ice sword breadth is two, the body is radiant, sharp pole, the small Han heart reads a to move, that ice sword quickly incises on the cliff.
In the voice in"Zha Zha", some blacks out of the cliff and red are scooped out, not much, uploaded to "reiteration" from that ice sword difference ring.Small Han air a pleased, the favour continues to mine and make the frequency that that ice sword incise more and more quick.
Not much, the small Han stretches hand a to grasp, many in the center of palm of hand the dollar of a piece of fist size is crystal, this is crystal to present rhombus, in the pitch dark cave inside, give people radiant and extremely keen stunning feeling."Is quite good!Is really a dollar here crystal mineral!"The small Han seldom peeps out a smile, the action on the hand is more and more big, keep "Ka Ka Ka" of those cliff lanes ring.
The hard stone fusion in a piece of piece of black, red, that fire Feng front many a cave-, her two hands brandish and present an unreal image, in fine threads the dint of the continuously blazing hot flame, in place ahead open a new road.Suddenly, the fire Feng is also that once the eyebrows pick and stretch hand to grasp to front, Be crystal to abruptly pull out from the cliff blind side a dollar with thick arm.
On seeing small Han of fire Feng 2 people all have already acted to open, the Ji vast sky is alarmed on smiling, also no longer polite, the essence, evil body and bones dry skeleton begins together, respectively looks for a direction and starts mining a dollar crystal mineral.
These blind side that are crystal to be placed in strong and tough stone wall inside, wanting to mine has to want to give the fission the stone wall of outer circle, those each Ji.The stone wall of dollar crystal mineral, the ∽ knows is what similar of piece of stone, very strong and tough, even if is ten square the territory of the sky of they, want to be quick to get rid of those stone walls all not easy.
Essence and evil body of Ji vast sky need to expend tremendous strength in the process of mining, but those crystal mineral again not is have no place not at, usually expended tremendous energy, probably can get a bit of.
Here, contain in the dollar crystal mineral.Of strange ability, seem to be also drive those cliff to obstruct, basically feel not to come out, the whole can with borrow to control breath situation.
Essence and evil body cooperate and cost half of two-hour period time, also only just get a crystal mineral of a piece of dollar just.
It is that bones dry skeleton to pour, don't know to pass what method, unexpectedly grasped five pieces of dollars crystal to him, among them, a piece of dollar is crystal, even have wash basin of the same size!
The small Han and fire Feng is 2 people, all is with concentration mining those crystal minerals to the ambition ground, don't betweenwhiles notice him at all, hesitated for a while, he secretly changed two arms and made arm in the silently suddenly and violently outstanding and sharp nail.
His back's towardsing small Han and fire Feng is 2 people and try to mine a dollar crystal mineral with that nail that sharpen, sees that strong and tough cliff, under his two fingernailses, unexpectedly such as paper paste of general, his nail can easily insert among them.
Facial expression an earthquake, he immediately after realizing variety of arm, more even sharp than general absolute being soldier's sharp weapon, even exceeded Long Yao long knife!
It is quick to connect down right away the speed that he mines many, in two fingernails of have no hard not go into of sharp insert bottom, his soon then making a piece of person the dollar of the head size is crystal.It is several in the days to come.
Fire Feng and small Han 2 people helplessly stopped down, the utterly exhausted of 2 people's one face, slowly sit to where adjust interest instauration.
Ji vast sky of evil physical strength quantity exhaustion, the one step early gets into for a sky, dead silent in the dollar bead afresh get up, only have he and bones dry skeleton still just effort, continue to toward a direction to mine.
He after two arms change, this mining of mineral stone a while become easy many, he doesn't need to be kept on constantly the Ning chain Jing dollar, the extension that need to keep two fingernails, can keep on continuing.
However, don't know to is to isn't public to mine too and a little bit badly, connect down a period of time, he probably needs to cost 12 hours, so as to get a piece of dollar crystal come out.
More is hereafter, those are crystal to seem to be more and more rarely seen, end of time, he wants to cost time of along while and probably just find out a piece of dollar crystal.
The bones dry skeleton is there also equally such, acquire crystal speed of a dollar more and more slow.
Led for several days again, fire Feng small Han 2 people resume to come over, 2 people have no hasty continue to carry on mining to the dollar crystal mineral, but walk to the Ji vast sky break through of a passage, fire Feng way:"The dollar crystal mineral distributes to have no regulation, a place is probably a lot of, but also probably very rarely seen, we obviously easily mine of mine light, underneath again think such as similar estimated at first was getting more impossible."You got how many crystal?"The small Han relatively concerns this."What about you?"Ji vast sky Fu smile.
"The dollar that I get is crystal, there are more than 500 pieces, certainly, a bit very big, and trade the standard piece of head using is different, H'm, if incise into a normal piece of head, probably have more than 6,000 pieces."The small Han saw fire Feng one eye" she is more slightly very some than me, however also probably only 8,000 pieces, and you?""The words computed according to the normal piece of head probably have 13,000 pieces, ha ha, I stood person's many advantages."Ji vast sky wearing a smile way.
He certainly don't tell the truth, he says of amount just just the bones dry skeleton get of, the evil body got 3,000 pieces, his essence totally got 27,000 pieces and calculated, he at this dollar is inside the crystal mineral hole and have already got 43,000 pieces of dollars Be getting more crystal.
"Lucky guy.If"the small Han humed to hum, obviously some envy" about, below continue to mine, affirmation can not get so many advantages, I as long as getting rid of more cliffs and just probably get more crystal, this pours is have no necessity.""Anyway this crystal mineral ordinary people don't know and subsist first here, wait affair to end, we when have no a dollar Be getting more crystal, can come to continue here bitterness achievement."The fire Feng obviously reached to negotiate with small Han, the 2 people's opinion was consistent.
Got 43,000 pieces of Ji with crystal dollars vast sky, also have already satisfied, listenned to a western person so on saying, soon after nod approval:"Good, anyway I also the thing that gets my want.""That good, I lead the way and walk now."The fire Feng didn't drag along mire to take water at 1:00 and directly returned along the original road.
The Ji vast sky silently follows, inside the brain but ray of light flicker, constantly record, come of time the road is complex, totally change more than 300 tunnels just walk to here, returned to now, the fire Feng will can't do what hand and foot hard to say, if she change walk method, or in the future this place of the tunnel ruin go to 12, or strong line of change 12, he wants to want to seek to come over afraid isn't easy.
Indeed as expected, the fire Feng seems to have heart not to make him remember the road here with small Han and return to of Hang, the fire Feng turns around, didn't return according to the original road, in the tunnel more cost a many hours just return to an ingoing tunnel.
Ji vast sky and small Han know the idea of fire Feng, 2 people also have no to say clearly, just silently and in mind in future with come back of road Lin Zhao, in mind noodles much dispute for several cents, secretly decide to come over the time next time, oneself certainly wants to touch an accurate road.The fire Feng directly flies a sky after coming out and seems to be not to think to comprehend the situation in the tunnel to 2 people's more time.
Wait until Ji vast sky and small Han after 2 people keep up with, for making them divide attention, the fire Feng seeks a topic on one's own initiative and asks Ji vast sky:"You that is the second body what is the row?Is it different from your essence to seem the achievement method of self-discipline?""H'm, accident formation of, nothing important strength, just many the back route that protect a life is just."The Ji vast sky freely answers a way.
The fire Feng intentionally asks the small Han the affair that is some concerning the store again and seem be want to let 2 people can not remember those walking of tunnel method, in order to she in the future can only enjoy the dollar in the mineral hole crystal.
After all, such a dollar the crystal mineral is all jewelry to whichever race household, who will want oneself to own everything.The not yet finished treats continuously, !
519th remnants
43,000 pieces of dollars are crystal to come to hand, the Ji vast sky again got into expanse of stars voyage, in the fire Feng, small Han leading of 2 people under, toward not well-known dead star area the deep place fly.
In the expanse of stars, his Ci arrived more and more races and experienced too many combats, from fire Feng and small Han 2 people's, his understanding to the dead star area more and more deep yo
Sail in the expanse of stars certainly in, they aren't Bon voyage either, sometimes, will be also taken aim by the expanse of stars roughneck of malice up, fight in this case affirmative hard avoid.
Like in the fire Feng, small Han 2 people all have the fixing of territory of Nie Qing for, he isn't a soft persimmon either by himself, all the way the soil goes come all is surprised to have no insurance.
Some crisises in the expanse of starses sometimes also have no the explosion of omen to come out, like, is cold don't defend to come out of the black hole in the expanse of stars, their 3 peoples all breathtakingly once avoided.
Fight at these and breathtaking under, he is more and more thin settle, along with to dead star area of deep understanding, he more add understand at die star area in only the real strenght is stronger than other people, so as to lead of delectation.
Led half year again, the comprehending of dint of the expanse of stars for him is more consummate, and then comprehends the movement regulation of dint of a few expanse of starses, fly of the speed is also a far far quickly intemperate Feng and small Han is 2 people.
Certainly, he has never given up the self-discipline in the expanse of stars and travek in the expanse of stars in, he also at constantly the Ning chain strength in the body, emphasize realization in the self-discipline of profound meaning"sky the Yan thou is definitely" of the feeling Wu"sky the Yan thou is definitely", comprehend five profound meaning true meaning of goings, comprehend the regulation that they exist movement.
He feels unclearly that he of so can control so quickly to the dint regulation of that expanse of stars, the great void Mi of self-discipline records, besides which, also and that"sky the Yan thou is definitely" has a great relation.
In the process of the self-discipline"sky the Yan thou is definitely", his mood is more and more thin to overflow, no longer will any dangerous put in the mind, fearless don't fear to, oneself imitated a Buddha to become the lord of rule ……
Mood, this is private in the sky of ten square skies' territories is most value of similar, only the mood comes to a, just can constantly the self-discipline bottom go, the mood doesn't arrive, in no circumstances effort, all hard breakthrough fetter, attain higher deep state.
Sky Yan thou definitely and the great void Mi record of self-discipline, for whetting of mood the Li is extremely effective, here both of self-discipline under, he more and more feels that he works properly to feel sharp, power of understanding's seeming to be also is constantly raising, can usually under the a certain and particular condition, working suddenly the Wu is some particular regulations now.
When he on the body, those regulation usages' usage in the time in the combat, he then discovers those seem useless regulation, can usually take place his body and combat to change, more and more can adapt to expanse of stars to manage the his body, make he of the combats become to more and more follow one's inclinations, and ability at engage half-way develop an inspiration, made fight to all become a kind of art.Time in a hurry, three years-all travek in the expanse of stars in pass through number to fly
After, three years the acupuncture points in his body already all gluts Jing dollar, he already break to arrive extremely of the highest point of territory, chance with a certain demand, then can be further, follow the territory of Nie Qing.
The fire Feng and small Han silently looking at his variety in these three years, at first to Ji vast sky always all the fire Feng of heart bosom malice, in three years seem be changing own attitude, started no longer taking him as one can the sneak attack destroy at any time of object.Three years after, he no longer needs bones Ku the Jiu let out and all the time took precautions against fire Feng.
Break to arrive extremely the territory of highest point of he, can at a read change own body into finger tip keenness, the Pan body point stabs outstanding shape, he feels once changing the body is even if a fire Feng to make moves to also don't think that with all strength in a twinkling take his life.
Certainly, he never in the fire Feng, small Han two human faces are ex- to present change body the shape after come out, this is his cards in the hand, don't arrive a turning point, and he can't rear.
Although have never reared, but from he the bones dry skeleton take of that from day, fire Feng and small Han 2 people have already realized some delicate varieties.
Although 2 people have never communicated in this aspect, from various evidences, fire Feng and small Han 2 people have already known, know that he no longer is being afraid himself/herself, at least, can't worry the meeting is at any time put out to kill.
In this way, fire Feng and small Han 2 people dared to act rashly more not, particularly fire Feng, at present while treating him, also no longer the full face despised, sometimes, also with deliberation inquire his opinion on the some affair.Inside the subconscious, fire Feng and small Han 2 people have already taken him as equal opponent to treat.The ground of dereliction.
The vapor trail of the feather clan and a big fellow of the wood clan are over there the ground of the bargain of Lei meeting, in the big fellow of that wood clan after death, Lei and card Lu 2 people the air is polite, obedient.Vapor trail flank, five slices of huge feathers go toward that cathode cover and unexpectedly and then move the cathode very serious."Vapor trail, are you to say this person to know the position of 9 F pagoda?"The big fellow of that wood clan, the dark wears a face,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, a pair of long thin eyes stare cathode." Mushroom, these aren't all point."The vapor trail shook to shake head, way:"Those 9 F thing in pagoda, it is very likely be all musted go by one person."Be called the wood clan of"mushroom" big fellow, fiercely a surprised, drink a way:"What?""Is that boy, is everything that he got an inside!"Very and hurriedly call way, full in the facial expression is be afraid."Vapor trail, that do you seek me to do what?"The Guo mushroom humed a , way:"9 F pagoda if have been all empty, I have no interest to go there with you, you seek your daughter by yourself!"
The vapor trail shook to shake head, way:"My daughter has already made people summon to me in two year agos"say that she has already returned to die a star area, at this time just in a place self-discipline I feather clan magical power, after waiting until a pass, then canning break a satisfied territory is afraid!"
"Vapor trail, what fun do you open?"Guo mushroom one face chuckles" you also in the satisfied territory, from be understand this state is how difficult enter, your daughter wants to get into this state, be not close the border for several thousand years and then can reach of, this still needs power of understanding and chance and opportunity."
"If I tell you, my daughter at those 9 F pagoda inside, got the absolute being female phoenix feather wings, did you say to have a possible realization?"Vapor trail this time words say coolly, but eye Tong in have a silk dissimulation don't live of pride.
"The absolute being female phoenix feather wings!"Guo mushroom fiercely a surprised, the half rings a just mumbling way:"Vapor trail you are this old boy, born to luckily grow, Lao Tze has no so good luck, a few sons are an all don't become useful!"
"Cough, I seek you this time, is the strength that wants to cooperate you, find out your boy."The vapor trail coughed for a while, way:"On the ground of dereliction, you is responsible for wood clan, but you wood clan the news here very wide, match equally with our feather clan, you I cooperate, perhaps can find out that boy.""9 F pagoda inside, only have one thing the most precious, you can't think that thing on that boy?"The Guo mushroom is speechless.Vapor trail facial expression a positive, suddenly way:"All-back bottom."At he after death, some superiors of feather clans quickly lost a trace, the Guo mushroom sees he does so and also lightly cough a , the person of those wood clans also all a disappearance disappear.Momentary, in addition to vapor trail Guo mushroom, then left cathode here."You say to let him listen to."The vapor trail ordered to nod toward the cathode.
Lee of the cathode-pull head, way:"Over there 8 F of time, I far away see that boy accept to walk four kind things, a few small bottle of, a fish net, a bell Dang, also have ……a spool of and very thin Confucian classics."
The Guo mushroom was all to not intentionally listen to in the beginning and waited until the time that the cathode made reference to Confucian classics, his eyes were bright to get up, looking at a vapor trail way right away:"You are to say, may that remnants diagram be in the card of Confucian classics?"
"Ten have**."The vapor trail nods, dignified way:"Legendary 9 F pagoda inside, there is a remnants diagram of that diagram, if the legend is right, that remnants diagram should in that Confucian classics in the boy hand inside!""Good!We cooperate to seek that boy to come out!"The Guo mushroom pondered for a while, way:"Even if is he not at desert of ground, also want to seek him to come out!""I know of all said, is not is should pass me-7?"Cathode wretchedness Xi Xi the ground looking at vapor trail.Ordered to nod, vapor trail way:"H'm, you really have no what are worth of."
Once the words fall, he freely toward once the cathode blow, a wisp of light smoke spirit flies divert come"the feather on that cathode up once float, those feather suddenly sharp like point knife, in a twinkling give° the cathode cut several, those feather not be stained with some blood, after killing cathode again lightly floated ground return to his wing ascend.Silent way in"Sherry, although that boy saved you,I must kill him ……" vapor trail heart.
A stars that covers with red cloud on, spread all over the plant of deep red big green big Zi on the ground, those plants all living a point tooth, a branches and leaves distorts and seem all living creatures that want to gobble up to come and go, seem to be a demon difference matchless."Peng Peng Peng!"
Three voices that bump shot the earth suddenly ring out in those plants, a the bewitching different plant be abruptly trampled juice liquid, some plants of distance, the root-stock moves, unexpectedly quickly down below escape."Finally arrive."The small Han deeply takes a suck at spirit, full is an excitement in the look in the eyes."Small Han, is this the place that you say?"The Ji vast sky wreath attends to on all sides, doubt way:"I could not realize any life motion, your affirmation is here?"The small Han nods" certainly, I almost died to save here last time, how would get mistake a place?""Is a little bit more careful, here underground in and L have volcano at the ferment, once eruption come out, probably very fierce!"The fire Feng knit the brows to respond for a while, sudden way."Is carefully also useless, the volcano here as long as realizing life motion, then will hatch eruption to come out very soon, we can't avoid, can carefully face."The small Han explains."Now, you can tell me, you come to this of purpose, also have already wanted to get what?"The Ji vast sky ordered to nod, the air coolly looking at her.
"Have here let you I a fly to hurtle a sky of opportunity!"The ray of light Yi in the small Han eyes Yi, way:"Wanting ~only us is deathless, I and the fire Fengs all probably get into a satisfied territory, but you, definitely can step into the territory of Nie Qing!If is lucky, you can let'burning thunder Olympic flame, evolve, perhaps you can also step into a satisfied territory!""Is interesting!"The Ji vast sky Hey Hey says with smile.The ∫ not yet finished treats continuously, !
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