
monster beats ly and too B state C

Stick a forehead tightly in the chest of segment sea, the canthus hangs a string of radiant teardrop and sobs a way:"I miss you and miss you so much!"
Tiny tiny one Leng smells that flavor that acquaint with, segment sea lightly of the wreath live the waist limb of Cao Xian, regardless of surroundings person different vision, the bottom of the Cao Xian lift, a 'big mouth' kiss at that cherry red lips up.
"Ha ha, don't know abashed!"The Phoenix red Yan Jiao smiles a , but body form the dissipation drop between the words.
Is close behind, the Qi Lin is also light on smiling, disappear without a trace.
Absolute being agriculture surname 3 people took a look and smiled to move to go out in a sudden.
The Zu dragon saw sea, but cold not saying of D:"Boy, don't be tired Be getting worse."
Du brave very Yin.Concuss of send out the laughter of Hey Hey Hey, but the person also follows wap.xs.\С \Om 1|6| k official placard macho man four vegetableses a lie to upload
The disappearance drops.
Inside the whole cave, leaves a baby Ao Ting Ting and Xiao Ya Ru Yao the lips Be not willing to leave.
Must time in year, feeling Wu under, the segment sea has already understood a lot of affairs.That the smartness that breaks through God's way since then, cut off segment's sea to the indecision of feelings.Is tiny tiny on smiling, the segment sea will embrace each other the hand of Cao Xian to slowly open and take a smile of signal hint and encourage.
Blare ……
Already understand Xiao Ya Ru and the Cao Xian of the baby to segment sea feelings, lightly shunt body, let 2/3 of positions.Two girls took to cry a voice to rush toward into the bosom of segment sea!
Three females together weep over, it may be said is surprised world Qi ghost absolute being, even if was must a sea self-discipline year, also still feel fear to the female kid's crying~panic the his favour of the hand and foot plane a words of:"H'm, the An wants to ask for a while, the baby this time has already at last become adult?"
The Cao Xian secretly choked a segment sea and also ignore that of soft.The meat can carry on the shoulder live similarly and too B state Cao the devastation of the Xian, the canthus still takes just of tears flower, but corner of mouth already tiny take:"How?So no time for waiting?"
Segment sea way:"Which have?I am that kind of people?"
Three female person of same belief:"Seeing you is~~~"
Treat 3 people at the same time after speaking words, without previous arrangement smiled out.
Three in the days to come, just manage for the chief witness at a wedding ceremony of head Qi Lin under.In the middle of falling the big palace of Xuan parties, the segment sea marries a girl three brides at the same time.On this important juncture, God's way already didn't what control ability.Segment sea also basic don't care which!Once came and went although have been already seen far went, can among the living also however in a hurry few years.Be married!Want to be married!The in the mind of segment sea continuously repeats this sentence, can always still have that end penny to persist to in mind and once in a very long while go back and forth.
See a segment the sea seem worry, the most impressionable Xiao Ya Ru La the hand of segment sea, secretly ask a way:"Is there worry?"
The segment sea sees this beautiful Xiao Ya Ru, that body curling up in the air water vapor early when she gets into great Luo's state already concealed go, at present of she, have a liking for to generally have no two such as the woman of that secular world.Perhaps can feel that that fears only when she delivers a violent wind as well?The segment sea point nods and says:"In fact, my mother always all at."
"?"The words of segment sea, let surroundings of another two females are all stunned speechless.Not is say that sea is a psyche self-discipline?The Cao Xian ambiguously knows an affair that sea has close relatives, can but have never thought the mother of segment sea at present return a life time again.Bear again?Or really still on the hoof?So many in the last yearses, hasn't the segment sea always brought up own mother, how lifted out in this time?
The baby is very outspoken, directly say:"Owner …… , husband, you connect to the Bai to your mother and show her three daughters-in-law, must be very happy."
The Cao Xian also feels that this eats not and at that time, the God's way rule of x-rated world basically can not control one more sea, at present he if not that greatly opening rule against killing in the x-rated world, the God's way root can't interfere with.This is too also regarded as God's way rule to give a kind of privilege of B state layer fairy.Then and directly say:"I also just heard you before a nearest relative still stayed among the living and so passed by for several years at present and even once experienced to so greatly rob difficult.If the old man still lives among the living and rather connect to come be."
Wanted to think, segment sea still resolute of shook to shake head, mother, can see.Can the God's way has the God's way oneself's rules, this kind of privilege can not go and literally use, cause and effect says to have been already destined, oneself go to strong line of converse, originally can also.Can now this kind of turning point ……still calculate.The non- son isn't filial, and not the ability is also.
The wedding is very noisy, demon clan Du the brave is one part of demon clans for leading, aquatic animals in East China Sea, there is also the wedding that severals grow elder generation to entirely attend from the fairy of the whole cosmos regression.After being solemn and impressive, the owner escapes, after only leaving mountain small lake and a very greatly very big grass shed.
Lightly of, be over wedding after, the segment sea stands on the center of lake on, touch oneself's toe free to very tiny lake water secretly, then start to concuss one circle irregular circle.
The near the bank of lake, always gleam a tears flower to oneself the always pure the deepest Cao Xian, stand on the lake shore on.Seeing appearance baby and Xiao Ya Ru didn't come out, thought necessarily is also because of proceeding from acting with dignity of New appointee ……
Looking at at present nobody, with no reason segment a burst of excite in the middle of the sea heart, there is a kind of impulse that wants to hug Cao Xian in the bosom, although there is this kind of impulse in the heart, can segment a sea still a station is in the center of lake.But don't know say in this greatly nice day what just good.Always can not seek an asking of topic, get married what felling?
There is innumerable words in the heart and see this that clean and pure eyes, but a words also could not said it.
The half rings, Cao Xian just deep place pure white small hand, to this sea far away on flicking, segment sea Leng for a while, have never responded to come over her exactly is what mean,monster beats.The Cao Xian is one Jue mouth, stare small eyes Chen Nu way:"Fool, do you make me fly over?"
See the facial expression tone that the Cao Xian see this own look in the eyes and that Chen Nu, the segment sea was a true fool, also understood to come over at present.Stretch out a hand, grasp if ivory similar and glossy hand, finally ……and the Cao Xian only buttonned up 10.Lightly arouse some spiritual influence, thin on the lake noodles thinly spread last 1 F unseen bridge, take a stroll to walk to the position of center of lake with Cao Xian.
Two people lead long to begin, feeling Cao Xian that is soft of hand, the segment sea feels oneself seem stand at high in the clouds similar, Cao Xian and segment sea time has much, can is still a first time under this kind of romantic environment.Is very tiny, also have some blush with shame.Two people's atmosphere a while ambiguity get up.
Suddenly, segment the sea Be tiny to knit the brows, a felling that is peeped the shallow water area from the center of lake spread out in front.
Here of is not likely to be an enemy, but is who does the so bold son dare to come to cause disturbance here?One mouthful mixs up with the fairy works properly of spirit of annoyed sword to follow sleep to make a pounce upon to peep in of position.The sword returns non-arrival, a figure with flickering golden light then from water more, emergence accompany with a body form, a body that lets sea feel the disgusted and suffered huge Wei press from that person uploaded.
A lotus slowly rises, the lotus top end sits one person.The noodles exposes a treasure mutually, solemn but not lose dignity, way way good omen from his back expand and take out flying of numerous wonderful mens fairy.A kind of feeling for universal compassion, the big Ci big sad state of mind arises spontaneously from he that absolute being light that is solemn and lets people produces a kind of idea that wants to prostrate un worships.Is close behind, a seem can wear deeply public, soul of the voice wear to open.
I have one praise of having no mutually, if can cantillate to hold, the speech issues order that the Ru accumulates to rob fan's offense and temporarily exterminates.Praise Yue:
Is charming to fix blessing not to fix a way, the speech fixs blessing to would be a way.
Giving to charity to bring up blessing is limitless, 3 in heart to build;
Plan to fix blessing desire to put out offense, the future generations gets blessing offense still at.
But centripetal medium in addition to offense good luck, respectively really repent in sex;
Suddenly the Wu Mahayana really repents, in addition to is just evil line of namely not guilty.
Learn a way often in from sex view, namely and the same various Buddha.
My Zu only spreads this method, the Pu wish sees sex the same body;
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