
http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com carrying out smoothl

Chapter 637 shows
The second day, just such as tube rather guess of so, although male Sun Kang is on the mouth say just usually entertain, can but is Xiang even all celebrities inside the city and military administration officials all please come, and act with due care and respect ground toward the public introduction tube rather, solemnly is to public show what.However taking care of is rather also inattentive for the all these, say "hello" with owner under male Sun Kang's introduction, inwardly is at public in the middle look for a target Mr. Sun Gong!
However let to take care of rather some accident of BE, at take part in dinner party of public in the middle, is have no Mr. Sun Gong's shadow, this lets to take care of rather a bit strange, did oneself guess wrong?Male Sun Kang didn't let male does attend this party respectfullly?
At take care of rather strange of time, male Sun Kang for tube rather will in of public all introduced 1 time, but was an eyebrows a wrinkly, at surroundings cautiously saw a turn of, the facial expression signs a horse dark come down.Immediately male Sun Kang woulds be toward after death on beckoning with the hand, recruit to come to one expert servant, the low voice asked severals to him.Although male Sun Kang's voice is very small,the tube rather sits at Mr. Sun Kang nearby, is to listen to cautiously, Mr. Sun Kang is querying that expert servant Mr. Sun Gong's whereabouts, obviously Mr. Sun Kang don't know as well Mr. why didn't Sun Gong appear in today's dinner party.
That family servant obviously knows male Sun Gong's whereabouts, just face top but is a difficult shape, however drive Mr. Sun Kang so on staring, it is a honesty to completely give to have to.The voice that that family servant talks is very small, sit in the hall of those guest the nature is out of hearing, can in the tube beside male Sun Kang rather but is to listen to careful, originally that Mr. respectfullly yesterday although drive male the Sun Kang Ming person was strong line of from hanged up a column hospital to pull back, can today in early morning again is to slip away to go out, is hanging up a column hospital now romantic air of cheerfulness!
Listen to this answer, not only is male Sun Kang spirit the full face is metal gray, tube rather also is one face contempt, this male is respectfullly and obviously a lousy mire to hand a not last wall, if isn't Zhao Yun's previous plan to need this male Sun Gong, take care of rather and basically Be disdained to to with the sons of Wan Mao like this get in touch with.
Although male Sun Kang doesn't need to be seen this younger brother as well,this party is very important today, if being male of male Sun Jia Er's childeses isn't respectfullly present, in case of let tube to rather misunderstand Mr. Sun Jia's sincerity, that is in a mess!Right away male Sun Kang woulds be black face, deep and low the voice drink a way to the family servant:"Sign Ma Dai Ren and go to and mix the Zhang thing to this and grasp for me back now!Is the sooner the better!Go quickly!"
Male Sun Kang's tone takes an in fine threads cold idea and acquaint with Mr. Sun Kang's family servant is to know a big childe this is the very angry omen, is also don't dare to delay, hurriedly is nod to call BE, withdrew hall in quick time.And male Sun Kang is to pack one face smiling face, consider as what matters didn't take place generally, smiled and took care of rather and the guests here push a cup to change.The tube rather looking at male Sun Kang's performance in a side, in the mind is also not from must praise highly, this male Sun Kang although the age isn't old,this city mansion is rather deep, pour also calculate up is that the generation is fierce!
Leading is approximately half of two-hour period, came from the hall unauthorized biography a burst of noisy miscellaneous, the guest in is one Leng first, however these person Jings who can is all Liao east officialdom, signing the horse is to set up for not to know anything and continue to drink own wine.The tube rather soon would is and discovers, from the side door of hall suddenly and secretly the cat came in one personal shadow and directly went toward to drill in the corner of hall.
The tube rather can see, male Sun Kang can also see naturally, after seeing that shadow of human figure, Mr. Sun Kang's eye neutral the horse would was to peep out a Nu idea, very heavily the wine in the hand go toward short table of ascend on putting, loudly drink a way:"Two younger brothers!You come over for me!"
Male Sun Kang suddenly and so loudly shouted, let originally still full is the hall of noisy miscellaneous voice to sign a horse to would be quiet come down, most of guests all turn a head to hope to Mr. Sun Kang, the only very few part equally sees arrive in times before the guest of that shadow of human figure would change direction head that shadow of human figure.Sees that shadow of human figure one Zhan and hesitate a short moment, finally still Zhan unsteadily from the corner in walked out, but was a man who wears gorgeous embroidered robe, toward once male Sun Kang Gong's hand do obeisance and say:"Greatly, eldest brother!Call younger brother He Shi?"
Naturally, this man is male Sun Kang's younger brother, Mr. Sun Jia of two childe Mr. Sun Gong!In of public, in addition to tube rather and always foolish at take care of rather after death huge virtuous, all recognize this playboy.Tube rather Mi rise eyes looking at male Sun Gong, this person shape thin and feeble, the complexion contains the pallor to grow abnormal state, obviously is because of too much wining and carousing to, it is a between forehead and brows to pour, return depend on sparse with Mr. Sun Kang some likeness, just this vehemence but is differ very far, with Mr. Sun Kang compare, Mr. is respectfullly absolutely like one to frighten an excesssive kitty.Such a discard, really beneficial use value?Tube rather after seeing male respectfullly, even starts doubting if the plan this time can keep on carrying out smoothly.
Male Sun Kang looking at at present of close younger brother, one hums a way:"Two younger brothers!Our male Sun Jia entertains to take care of a Sir today, I told you yesterday, you must wanted today to attend party!You why but is come leisurely?Before you arrive where go to?Still have, why is your body's up exerting a wine spirit?Say!"Male last Sun Kang word absolutely is use to roar, frighten that Mr. respectfullly almost don't fall down on the ground.
Drive male Sun Kang so on querying, Mr. Sun Gong's facial expression is more and more pale, pay falter I ground but is could not say why.However male Sun Kang isn't male true hope either respectfullly answer, if he speaks true state of matter, it lets the guest in know, Mr. Sun Jia's two childes unexpectedly is entertaining the time of honored guest also run to hang up a column hospital, that Mr. Sun Jia's face can all throw light!Male Sun Kang humed 1 and drank a way:"Two younger brothers!You really divided too much this time!In normal times you commit tomfoolery also just!Today so important day, you unexpectedly still thus absurd!The father contracts disease in the bed at present, this Liao east the so big property will all be looked after by our brothers a pair, you are this appearance, let how I trust next?"
Male Sun Kang this reprimands angrily to, but is some face don't give as well Mr. stay respectfullly and scold that Mr. don't even dare heads to lift, almost don't drill crotch of trousers respectfullly.But in Mr. Sun Kang nearby of tube rather but is to listen to some flavor, Mr. Sun Kang thus reprimand angrily to Mr. Sun Gong,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, only afraid isn't a Nu, it doesn't contend for, the most important of but for the sake of in all aspects Liao east the important person in front show his/her own power and influence and conveniently snuff out for a while with oneself have male to equally inherit power respectfullly just!Pass by male Sun Kang so on making, only afraid Liao east there are again many people on the officialdom will choose to go and live with Mr. Sun Kang Zhang descended!
The such good hand segment of male Sun Kang, let tube rather is also not from must inwardly praise highly, at the same time heart in is also some disdain Mr. Sun Kang's behavior.For the sake of own power, snuff out unexpectedly and thus own of close younger brother, Mr. Sun Kang this person temperament thus cool thin, isn't a person who is truely worth to depend on!So of a lord is male, even if tube rather now have no loyal to west Qin, can't choose, either that going and living with is this person!
Male Sun Kang doesn't know own some kind of calculate, but is in the tube rather the in the mind has anti- effect, simultaneously reprimand angrily to Mr. Sun Gong, simultaneously inwardly observe surrounding public reaction.Indeed as expected, in the middle of sitting down and hasing a few soldiers of will get, at see male Sun Gong that vice- timid mutually behind, all peeped out a disappointed facial expression, shook head to sigh, obviously is to Mr. Sun Gong's performance is disappointed.See this circumstance, male Sun Kang that is dark pleased in the heart, however face up still the plank wear a face, cold humed 1, toward Mr. respectfullly be drink a way:"Good!Today this carouse you also need not took part in!Roll I to me room to face the wall to feel remorse!"
Drive male Sun Kang so on drinking, male respectfullly and hurriedly repeatedly calls BE, started to fall back to leave hall, from start into eventually, Mr. didn't lift all respectfullly overdo.Wait until male respectfullly after walking, Mr. once Sun Kang's facial expression change, the but again is to make change a smiling face, turn head to tube rather say:"Take care of a Sir!The my brother doesn't fight to excel and pour is make the Sir laugh!Sir!Come!The boy respects Sir's one cup!"Saying is again to picked up a wine, to tube rather a respect, tube rather is also hurriedly toast gift once.And before the guests of are to sign a horse to resume noisy prospects, 23 toast mutually in groups, confabulation, seem to be at 1:00 don't also be subjected to the influence of that farce just.
But no one discover, when male leaves respectfullly, the attendant originally have been guarding in the tube rather and after death, but is don't know when to disappear to have no Zong.However even if was someone to discovered, couldn't care, either, because no one will take care of a direction of very small attendant.
And say that male respectfullly in the hall drive own eldest brother to scolded out, this hall, just still full is frightened of color, turned an eye face top be spread all over overcast cloudy, Cui saliva, humed a way:"Mama of!What things!"However this words male Sun Gong speak with the dinky voice, if be not close to him very much, it was out of hearing to definitely account him to say what.
Scold some kind of after, male Sun Gong Yi turns round, but is turn but walk toward the Hou mansion front door direction to, have no according to just Mr. time oneself's room said by Sun Kang faces the wall to feel remorse.Just male doesn't respectfullly but not know, just left at him of that for an instant, at he just stand of the hallway, sudden flash across a shadow of human figure, but is exactly just followed from the hall inside slip away out of huge virtuous!
Is huge virtuous to looking at male Sun Gong's figure, seem at deliberate what, led in a short while, thoughting of was like huge virtuous what, the corner of mouth is tiny tiny on raising, cold humed 1, turned round one Shan, the whole body woulds be to disappear have no Zong.
Leading is approximately half of two-hour period and or so, male appears respectfullly at the Xiang hang up a column hospital to stay Feng building most well-knownly inside the even city doorway.See male appear respectfullly, that before always at stay the procuress of Feng building doorway to sign a horse is a Jiao to smile to run to come over, lightly tapped male for a while Sun Gong's chest, say with smile:"Alas!!Two childes!The Nu house knows, two childes how can willing to give up this very charming miss!Come to come!Two childes, you just walked the previous wine food table, is the Nu house to don't dare to move at all!Wait two childes again, even the misses all still just do there wait!"Say, the procuress woulded be a Ye to live male Sun Gong's arm, direct Mr. respectfullly go toward stay Feng building in pull.
[w w w .bxwx b o o k .c o m]

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