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 Before, the empire navy has been being programing the action in battle of striking against mainland in Australia and accelerated big caliber shell thus, the production speed of the especially big caliber long range shell.To 75 years and 43 years)the time in the end of the year, the empire navy produces of the total amount of big caliber long range shell come to a 5,500,000 tons and consumed 1,800,000 tons probably on the battlefield, another of be all stored in the lion city, reach fertile, the La wraps naval bases like Er,etc.
Now, take the offensive the activity of Australia be canceled, these ammunitions are affirmative try to use.
Can say, empire navy's affirming will think what square tried before the war ends uses these ammunitions all.According to"experience" of the world war in last time, after war end,google, the empire navy's military expenses affirmation will be hewn away at least 2/3, but store ammunition to need to cost many funds, at post-war destroy ammunition to even need to expend many military expenseses, opposite but talk, use ammunition during war, is the on the contrary the most economic, the most worthwhile.
Certainly, the war didn't end now, so the factory of production ammunition didn't cease work and even had never lowered to produce speed.
Use these ammunitions also not is bother a matter and is no matter to bombard Blighty, still aftertime of to beautiful battle, all need a great deal of ammunition.The biggest problem BE, how deliver so many ammunitions to the front line?
For this, the empire navy still exclusively refitted a batch of bulky cargos freighter and made it become an ammunition conveyance ship.
No matter how it is say, the white blesses Bin need not then become sad for the affair of ammunition.As long as there being ample conveyance boats and ships, fleet the energy source continuously acquire the ammunition from rear.
The last day in December is arrived Gibraltar by 12 rapid combat support warships and four logistic guarantee fleets that quickly synthesize a supply ship to constitutes.
After, six days'77 years and 45 years)of the first day, the fourth fleet initiative left Gibraltar harbor.
Chaperonage the fourth fleet together leave port of only 1 break to hand over a fleet, and arrive a soon logistic guarantee fleet.According to the plan, rushed through from the Pacific Ocean of 2 break to hand over a fleet, and before just open a gulf activity than the Si of that breaks to hand over fleets all will on North Atlantic with the fourth fleet assemble, and guarantee a warship ship from the logistics that to acquire replenishment supplies.Wait until 44 fleets(13 fleets namely and) into ground=after, before in the activity of Mediterranean of two break handing over the fleet will also join to arrive a fourth fleet of battles brigade row in, thus make the troopses of the fourth fleet enlarge to more than 90s.
Although Yang Ding Fang still is four fleet commander officer, break to hand over a fleet to belong to fight area commander's headquarters, so the white blessed Bin or followed behind "Huang Yan Dao" cruiser to together set out.Result originally should belonged to the flagship of fourth fleet to become to fight the area commander officer's flagship.O.K., Yang Ding Fang's dialogue blesses the affair that the Bin "jump a claim" flagship to is all careless of at 1:00.(The not yet finished treats continuously and knows that how funeral affairs is such as the desire, please land www**com, the chapter is more, support author, support original reading!)

The text Volume 14 does both things simultaneously chapter 12 destruction prologue(the second is more)
Renew time:2009-9-1810:14:58 chapter word numbers:3725

The brigade just got into North Atlantic, the white blessed Bin to receive Xie Chang Lun to report from the fortress.
The "brave" number war row warship of the native fleet of British navy has already left to rush toward the Ci Mao Si harbor and gets into English Channel.According to the analysis of the Rui Lin, the "brave" number goes down south to go to open gulf than the Si and squared the possibility of fourth fleet don't arrive 10%, this battleship is very likely to pass straits, get into the North Sea, avert from a fourth fleet.
White's blessing Bin don't therefore underestimate enemy.
After getting into a spacious waters, he delivered for Yang Ding Fang to go to telegram and let Yang dinged Fang arranged to probe a work so much quickly and avoided suffering with enemy suddenly.
In fact, this order how much all have a little surplus.
Before the fleet leaves port, Yang Ding Fang already make sure good probe a work, and each the warship that each performance probes a task be again long to all beat hello, can in no way make mistake a mistake.Moreover, the white blessed the "Huang Yan Dao" cruiser of Bin place to get four class in general use cruisers in"lake"s that lately undergo military service, and covering of four destroyers, it organizes into teams the behinds in 43 fleets also, is not likely to encounter a suddenly assaulting of the enemy.
On the morning of January 2, the fourth fleet has already arrived southwest waters in Lisbon, just at to assemble headway in the location.
The time in noon, Xie Chang Lun again hair comes to one new of intelligence report.
British navy four wars row that encounter serious wound the warship all left port under the sistuation that have no complete repair, go to not clear.According to the analysis of the Rui Lin, British navy has already realized the mainland will be subjected to threat, while these four ports of battleship places are subjected to of the threat is the biggest, therefore British navy is very likely to transfer these four war row warships to the United States to go, Be in the shipbuilding factory of the United States carry on maintaining.But according to the suggestion of Rui Lin, if have an opportunity, the fourth fleet wants to try to intercept it come down.
"Is not greatly possible!"Shook to shake head at the right term, drew on the maritime map two flight paths, " as long as the speed of British fleet more than 12 sections, and walk to close to Icelandic flight path, we can not not intercept before it arrive American mainland it down.But our break to hand over fleets all concentration in the south waters in North Atlantic, can not search British fleet at all.Moreover, if make track for shot British fleet,Facebook, the big part lends support to battleship to all need to carry on two fuel replenishments, but our quickly comprehensive the supply ship take of fuel enough carry on a fuel replenishment.Even if need not assistance battleship, we must also consider the weather circumstance of North Atlantic.If can not get accurate intelligence report, intercepting the successful opportunity of activity can't be more than 10%."
Urgently need one to master in maritime staff officer, so is white to bless Bin at the right term from the fourth fleet wanted to come over.
Now.Yang Ding Fang's under charge has the quite a few the ability quite goodly voyage staff officer.At the right term not is can not lack ground.Certainly.Bless Bin to follow behind a fleet in the white activity ground together time.He is the commanding officer of the fleet tallest ground.The auto"lose stripe" of Yang Ding Fang is the battle fleet commanding officer.
"That we continue to shine on an original plan activity."White's blessing Bin don't think more as well."Contact to thank Chang Lun.Let him make to know quickly British navy ground circumstance.It is another.We need intelligence report to deliver to come over quickly."
Can say.Have never canned intercept those four British war row warship.It is a to gravely lose to calculate up.
These four war row warships are after arriving the United States.It all be immediately taken over by American navy.Immediately the United States as to it's carried on to maintain completely.Even still was maintaining as to it's to carry on improvement.In addition to"brave" number because of changing to pack 16 an inch warship cannon.Need to perform big surgical operation to the warship body.So maintained work to expect to prolong for seven months outside.Moreover three war row warship grounds maintain works all at four months inside complete.
It is end.These four war row warships all at wove to go into American navy ground combat sequence.
White bless Bin to also feel to have a little a regret.After all put four warships that still float the last war row in the sea surface.To whichever fleet commander the officer come to say,cnn.All calculate up is graveness to lose.
On January 5, Xie Chang Lun delivers to come to the third intelligence report.
Definitely mentioned four construction circumstances of "lion"s class war row warships that are constructing in this intelligence report, the resources is limited, and the shipbuilding factory take out to adjust a worker to participate in maintaining of battleship a work, so these four war row warships all have no to enter water on time and all stay around ship on the stage, is extremely good of stroke target.
Next day, what Qin Xiao Dong led breaks to hand over a fleet with fourth fleet at second soon Er islands east noodles rendezvous.
What Qin Xiao Dong brought not only was ten large cruisonly ers(four among those material 300 millimeters of warship cannon), but also brought shipbuilding factory in Si Tyne of the Wei gram that is provided by navy's intelligence bureau and the card plum Lai Er virtuous shipbuilding factory and Brown shipbuilding factory and fee Er thin Er the plane chart of the virtuous shipbuilding factory.
Definitely marked to construct four on four factory area plane charts of shipbuilding factories Related articles:

