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Spend money, have no woman not to love money.To after Li Ying have color heart, nature use to have him to consistently use a ground of means.He has been already added to Li Ying's care, such as to own daughter is similar.
Li Ying is sadly being placed in a stage, see the concern of the owner of a father generation sort look after her like this, to Hong owner ground the wariness got rid of some.The Hong owner usually takes her to receive callers the person like an owner, on the wine table, wine naturally necessary want to drink to be some.Li Ying can also drink some wine, but always can't get drunk oneself.
But don't know one day how, don't drink a surfeit, drink personnel not province, wait she to wake up for a ground of time, discover a flank asleep Hong
She knows that the trap in she connects to encounter stroke, where still have live heart
She a heart beg dead, don't do an excessively vigorous affair as well, be don't eat not to drink.
This frightenned owner of Hong to pour for a while.As soon as find out, Li Ying's figure not just he can ask for of, at that time Meng.He is one canning ascend can descend of man, otherwise also impossible from a poor family's son, start to work hard so a big family possessions, he knelt down for Li Ying at that time.
Fast to carry on till the fifth day, water rice doesn't enter, the person faints.Hong owner doesn't dare to tell her cousin as well, have to to take advantage o her collapsed and fainted of, lose a nourishment liquid for her.
Wait she to wake up, the Hong owner just entreats.The promising is used as repair for her money, and promise hereafter in no case will there is same matter occurrence.
Li Ying just doesn't answer and start still sheding tears, afterwards tears also have no, continuous collapsed and fainted three times, but can not die.
She hates, but she hates most of be still strict east any, matter humiliate this time, she also hated to calculate strict east any of in the body.Since the dead doesn't become, she saved a heart, must think way revenge this lifetime strict east any.
She accepted Hong the owner's 2,000,000 indemnification.And, the Hong owner still give°s the small villa Teng in the snake field her to live, from now on, he has never dared to step over this villa again.But she from think that she took the Hong owner's money, it was a Hong to usually secretly sneer at oneself the owner wraps to keep of sweetheart.
Originally have already no longer given up hope to get married, didn't thought of but run into happy son.She to whole body is the man of the mind's eye deeply bad pain unique, enjoy son of simple and honest and simple and honest but moved her, let her have good will.But, she didn't also marry to enjoy son center of earth to think, but had never thoughted of Yin bad the sun is wrong, with happy the son entwined together.
Happy son because she is a , she is a Hong the owner's two milks but stubbornly leave, from now on she has no Anne to lead heart.After happy son leaves Buddha mountain, she also along with leave.She just wants to forget to enjoy son, everywhere tour, but more want to forget, remember fondly more deep, finally cannot help but seeing happy son.
This walks all the way, her sad she only knows.Hear any name that remaining dream is blue to speak of strict east today, wound have already had some to heal, suddenly again stretch tight to split.
Remaining dream is blue don't talk with Li Ying.Until remaining dream is blue to see Li Ying Di's canthus have a radiant drop of tear, just know that oneself made trouble.
"Li Ying, I ain't intentional."
The remaining dream blue Lan wears Li Ying's shoulder.
"Have no matter ground."Li Ying takes paper towel to wipe off his/her own tears, again strong, smiled to smile, " I ain't so easily be knocked down."
Ate so many bitternesses, isn't her ability strong?Whet in the distress the Li comes out a ground of person, easily can't be knocked down.
"You had happy son now, should feel happy."Remaining dream is blue to see her smiling, and then starts to open fun, " elephant joy son so pure feeling of male kid, this world wasn't much."
"You envied?"
For mollifying atmosphere, Li Ying also starts to open fun.
"I am to envy, if have joy son male kid like this again,google, I would like to also turn over a new leaf and turn over a new leaf."Remaining dream blue ground of Luo Luo smiles, " otherwise you rendered up me to him and calculated."
"You think beautifully."
2 people smile to do one regiment again.
Li Ying satisfies very much now, but always has some to feel deficit happy son in her heart.Oneself compares to enjoy son big, and isn't a place again*female of body, this is to want to repair to taste to also repair the affair that can not taste.
"Does not the happy son come back?"
"Do not know, the afternoon just beats to conduct electricity words, he also says not necessarily and perhaps wants to accompany just fierce son to have fun."
Looking at the outside China light beginning to put, Li Ying wants to enjoy son, but the cellular phone rang to get up, top of the number enjoy son.Is exactly a happy son to be made a phone call, she contacts her cousin and helps just fierce son to put an even gold beautiful affair.
She called her cousin, the cousin immediately meant to have no matter.But she still not trust, in the heart not ability hospice.
"Li Ying, see you walk around of, have already felt hungry?We eat some thing to go."
Li Ying is also a bit hungry, 2 people arrived an outside the ground is in the street and sought a Hakka restaurant and ordered a few vegetableses and hadn't had a meal, joy son again beat to call,cnn.
This is exactly the happy son drive allied defend the telephone that the brigade beat while blocking.Li Ying again after calling cousin, the heart is more getting uneasy more, roughly had a meal, drove car to a time Yu but go.
As she is arriving to foreign Yu, the affair early changes definitely like.The happy son dided not go to a gold again beautiful make dress of the factory , after assembling with Li Ying, directly return to downtown.
"Elder sister, still be an officer good."
The happy son bursts out a words that have no head to have no tail.
"How?"Li Ying drives car, the car of road is a lot of, she gathers Jing to remit absolute being ground to drive, talked don't also turn a head, " is an officer certainly like, specially in China, there is no powerful supporter on the officer noodles, do business is also very difficult."
"H'm ……" joy son should a , "you see a gold owner, also calculate rich, is Hong Kong owner again, but today were it not for your cousin, only afraid will be made by a few bludger sons in a spot, spend money to can not help."
"Is quite good, the circumstance like this is O.K. some in Guangzhou, if in the Long mountain, you don't have plentiful secretary on the side, more difficult do."
The happy son felt deeply about a burst of, no longer talk.Li Ying asks joy son have a meal have no, enjoy son the truth to actually say, 2 people drive to a Szechwan cuisine building, have a meal just go home.Li Ying even likes vegetables in Guangdong, but enjoys son not to like vegetables in Guangdong.However the Szechwan cuisine is in Guangdong, also little should have spicily, she calls more little put some hot peppers of wild pepper, still can descend oscular.

The text Volume 4 surprised Zhi chapter 169 the old snake fold east to hope
Renew time:2009-12-39:31:14 chapter word numbers:3586

Son and Li Ying again favour two day, the data all gets ready.Then prepare and plan a meeting, in fact this meeting, they intend to invite the owner of the Hong, owner dragon and Zhejiang of fold an owner.All of these three owners are the owners who has real strenght, as long as these three solid solid idea investments to owner develop this item and have been all right already.
Recruiting the property will establish in the day off hotel.
Come first of certainly is live recent Hong owner.The Hong owner is taking his new the doter is together come of.The happy son and Li Ying greets them in person.
Today's happy son is dressed in whole body deluxe western dress, Li Ying also formally gets much and also is equally dressed in whole body western dress skirt to pack.The Buddha is packed by gold, the person packs with dress, joy son west tie, the person again Gao Da Dun is handsome, at Li Ying nearby a station, isn't the country of the past to enjoy son any further, what to carry is that the generosity of spirit is extraordinary.
The Hong owner cautiously conjectures two of them.
"Is really a rightness of boy and girl attendants of fairieses!"The Hong owner's cachinnation wears, " two of you don't want to betroth and please us?"
Enjoying blushing of son is red.Li Ying's air was constant,Facebook, led them to go upstairs and enter board room.The attendant of hotel sends ascend tea.
"The owner of the Hong there is data on the table, you see first."
Li Ying passes thick data to the Hong first owner, Hong owner the fox ground answered.
", I see."The Hong owner full of beansly turned over to open data to clip and turned over very quickly, " what is this ?Very strange place, E ……snake?Sky, gold hat snake, so many, there is also so big gold hat snake?"
The Hong owner lifts up head to looking at Li Ying and joy son.Li Ying and joy Related articles:

