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People all over the world say it is a comforting experience when they show affection towards their pet. Many studies conducted have proved this to be true. But, surely,cheap beats by dre, you would agree that it is a bit difficult to bring ourselves to tolerate seeing our pet scratching his fur all the time because of the itchiness brought about by fleas. It is an extremely uncomfortable sight for you, and more so, for your pet.

Because of man love for pets, science has paved the way for the manufacture of flea-control products. There are many varieties available such as topical solutions and ointments, flea tablets, and even flea bombs.

According to popular belief, these products work more effectively when used in combination. As an example, when a dog prefers to play in wet areas like the pool or the beach, topical products may not render its effectiveness because the drug it contains can be washed away. In this case, your dog will need to be administered with an oral drug. Another example would be the use of flea bombs. Now these types of products are indeed effective, but only to a certain extent. Flea bombs work by killing fleas found in the house only, but as soon as your dog or cat steps outside, he will no longer be protected. In these cases, ointments can be of great help.

A breakthrough in flea control and treatment would be a drug called Comfortis, a product of Eli Lilly and Co. This is a chewable pill, the first of its kind, and interestingly enough, it tastes like beef. This drug has been given the green light by the US FDA.

So you might want to ask, why use Comfortis? Here are the reasons:

1. It tastes great. No, we have not tried it, but our dogs certainly love it. You do not need to force your dog to eat it- you simply mix it with his beef-flavored meal.

2. It is safe. In fact, puppies fourteen weeks and older can already take it. Take note however that this has not been cleared for kitty use yet. Moreover, it has been considered a educed-risk pesticide?which means that though it is extremely toxic to the little critters, it is safe for your dog.

3. It is convenient. No need for you to keep your dog isolated during treatment. You can play with him even after medication has been given.

4. It is long lasting. Comfortis?efficacy lasts for 30 days, unlike other flea pills which can work only for a few days. About half an hour after this pill has been ingested, it will immediately take action on killing fleas that are feeding on your pet blood. Studies show that because of its ingredient called Spinosad, it can kill 100% of fleas that are living in a dog fur.

Veterinarians recommend this drug for dogs having skin problems or sensitivities because it does not cause any allergic reactions. Though like any other flea control product, Comfortis is not a stand-alone solution, however, experts agree that this is without doubt the most recommended pill to treat your dog flea problem. Related articles:

