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Point at 2 people to lambaste:"Er etc. does this matter, desire's letting to hold is failed in promise to world?Once being succeeded by Er etc., the others doesn't know that being that your 2 people is reckless, returns a way to hold is unkind righteousness not, absolutely how unreasonable!"Lyu Bu hopes them but is give a deep sigh:"You dedicate a city back lord, naturally the for oneself looks for way out also, I don't resent and what then and certainly want to place me and hopeless situation?I to the Er wait is not thin either, what then such?"Zhang Liao but is to denounce openly, Gao fluently looking at 2 people, the murderous look in the eye is also obvious, see appearance, if not that being bound, and these two people have to go to cannibalism meat.In the underneath, the that Sung Xian's facial expression is also pale.
Ignore Hou to become to explain and entreat with Wei continuously, I hold to say to the Cao:"This 2 people carry on the back a lord first to surrender to enemy, is already unfaithful to ruler, however make sense for oneself's own life and family possessions going and living with the wise ruler, also returning;But, the life has been already protected, rich and honored already get, don't think to ask for a favor for old lord, but the desire harm a lord life, really is a righteousness not is also and really a world to allow of no, this etc. not the mean person of righteousness, male return the desire stay it?"The Cao holds to nod:"The fruit kill."I walk to the front of Lyu Bu Shen:"Are these 2 people the under charge great commanders of general?"Lyu Bu hates a way:"Once was also.However ……"I smile:"Since BE, then can.The Cao is male, I take these two human nature lives, can you help?"Originally had never wanted to kill people of, is that you asked for it and humed!Cao's holding is one Leng first and soon after understood, he is ha ha a smile:"Certainly, bearer, take this 2 people bottom, cut."
Lyu Bu all of them understood, Guo Jia is long one breath, back at part.Lyu Bu then comes forward mutually:"Thank brave man for living the boon of life, the cloth this present life is to requite this boon."I am hundred percently overbearing pride to point at Zhang Liao and Gao to fluently say:"Did I can once say the life of wanting his 2 people?Is an Er to wait from the Yi also."Zhang Liao, Gao Shun is getting iner distress situation.Laugh behind one's back in my belly, on the mouth be still chilly:"However, I also admire Er etc. loyalty righteousness, hum, the troubles sees genuine feeling also.Lyu Wen Hou, I am subjected to a person it gives and saves your life, and make the effect is male at the Cao, can not renege, you would like to?"Lyu Bu draws a deep sigh:"I also have this idea, however, perhaps clear Mr. doesn't accept also."Yesterday's scene he is unforgettable.Listen to once he say, not only I looking at Cao to hold, public visions all looking at Cao to held.
The Cao holds but is to smell speech cachinnation, satisfied pole in heart, didn't dare to promise yesterday, being frightened the nobody could fight down Lyu Bu, now someone, he wasn't afraid of:"The Hey Hey, the Hey Hey, holds to in fact also think Wen Hou has this heart also and originally, yesterday ……" he returns to some persons whom the body saw a flank and immediately after says:"Today, there is the chivalrous man's speech, hold harm Wen Hou again?Since is such, hereafter can discommode to receive first at I under,beats dr dre."Listen to the Cao hold so on saying, Lyu Bu finally breath a sigh of relief and turned round to hold for Cao to kneel down:"Clear Mr., the cloth from now on receives Mr. is lord, again have no he think."He sees Zhang Liao again, Gao Shun:"I have already sincerely declined it, your 2 people can wish a total effect with cloth one lord?"Zhang Liao, Gao follow to see one eye, also hold for Cao to kneel down:"I wish to decline."The Cao holds happy of ah, quickly run to come over, give 3 people the relaxation in person:"Hold three generals, heart solid exultation, hold not necessarily mutually negative."
Seeing is satisfaction of everybody concerned, I also prepare to slip away, very tired today of, keep for two days, this cloth is really severe.See them, I am to return Ma Yu of body walk, Cao's holding is to come up to in quick time, a hold tight bridle:"The chivalrous man why on earth walks too urgently also, and stay for several days, treat to hold mutually."I shake head:"The person of wave vestige limits of the earth didn't used to restrain, when impatient these dead formses , in the days to come, also met, Mr. why on earth and mutually stays."The Cao holds to think of my words, doesn't dare to request to stay again and regrets to let go.I walk to Zhang Liao's in front:"Text far general."Zhang Liao sees me:"Can the brave man stay name?"I shake head:"I of identity, Mr. Cao knows also.Is this time to come, whole is BE gentleman, wish a gentleman well from is it."Zhang Liao is stunned speechless.Guo Jia comes over:"The elder brother can have words to stay and Jia?"I shake head and clap a horse to run and play trick, Guo Jia's this ghost spirit, I would not like to be seen a flaw by him.

Chapter 72 Zheng expresses

Unification north ground article-chapter 72 the Zheng express
The Cao holds to looking at me to leave army camp, in the heart although is unwilling, can also have no alternative.Return to tent, Zhang Liao comes forward inquiry:"Clear Mr. knows its identity, can the name mutually tell?"The Cao holds to hold his hand:"The text is far not hasty, my life they prepare feast and tell for the Er etc. helping calm nerves, giving a welcome party, leading late being."Zhang Liao is getting more puzzling.Liu fully waits beside and leaves Lyu Bu from a distance, they hear the words of asking of Zhang Liao, is also an elongation neck, can Cao hold not to say, he is also helpless.Cao's holding the matter of seeing Xu Zhou has been already ended, from order rehabilitate, appoint Chen Deng to manage Xu Zhou again, wait the whole affair the processing finish, the sky is getting blacker, medium the feast in the soldier debt have been already welled put, everyone drinks to heart's contents naturally some kind of.Certainly, seat, Liu Bei very feels embarrassed, Lyu Bu also basically ignores Liu Bei theirs, Zhang Liao pours is said along while words with pass feather.
After waiting seat to spread, looking at Liu Bei to wait to walk, the Cao held to receive Lyu Bu, Gao to fluently go on further, then, oneself pulls Zhang Liao to take Guo Jia, they walk to return to tent.Looking at 3 people don't understand of vision, the Cao holds to say with smile to Zhang Liao:"Son righteousness last night speech way, you don't recognize him also, today can the brothers mutually recognized."Zhang Liao 1.There Guo Jia smiles happily ground to come forward:"Guo Jia, Guo Feng Xiao once sees two elder brothers.Hey"too the history Ci sighs to come forward:"The son righteousness sees two elder brothers polite."The Dian Wei also comes forward:"The text is far, I am an eldest brother, and you can come forward to once see."Really Don't mention it.Still Zhang Liao's doubt of one face hopes Cao to hold.
In the battlefield yesterday, too history Ci frightened Dian Wei recklessly, tell him, you caught Lyu Bu, I sought two elder brothers.Paid to open Dian Wei, he was the soldier who grasped Lyu Bu, let him took to seek Zhang Liao.Is still smooth, at south door ran into is finding out road of Zhang Liao.Zhang Liao sees is a to come over an officer, he doesn't answer as well, beginning and then beating.Too the history Ci has to ward off while backing, very not easy seek an opportunity, introduce myself to say at once to is old four, is all elder brother of son cloud.That Liao listens to there go in, too history Ci can't, return to body to run a several 10, turn head one arrows, directly shoot at make track for of Zhang Liao's eyes horse up, that horse is one son of Liao Jue, lifted Zhang Liao down, fell in Shui-li, surroundings of the Cao soldier dash up and give°ed him to bind.So, I just saw them that appearance yesterday.
Now, the Cao holds to see Zhang Liao smiling:"Er's waiting is all such as of elder brother also, hasn't he said to deny?"Zhang Liao understood and had already looking at their wry smile of Dian Wei:"Son cloud once says as well, he still had a few knot righteousnesses elder brother of, have never thought, all at clear male the place is also."The Cao holds cachinnation:"Thus, squares like Er,etc can the brothers have a reunion also."Guo Jia then comes forward to salute:"The matter of yesterday, the Jia can not look after an elder brother and also hope elder brother's understanding."Too the history Ci also comes forward:"The matter was hasty yesterday, son righteousness impoliteness."Zhang Liao quickly and mutually hands:"Receive a filial piety, son righteousness how say this words, originally each is its lord also.Condition I have been understand, my waiting life is necessarily an Er to wait at clear Mr. the place mutually please, should also thank be."Guo Jia's wry smile:"The Jia waits to have no this ability also.Alas, the truth said, Jia although for lord male of strive for a private, this saves the matter of human nature life,is not a Jia the achievement of etc., son cloud is an originator, not son cloud, general's life is difficult to protect."
Hope 3 people don't understand of appearance, the Cao holds wry smile:"This chivalrous man receive noodles, but is the senior of son cloud.Is also an eccentric just, since would not like to show a person by true side as well as leave name, alas."He is still deploring greatly.Zhang Liao this just understands and no wonder that say for the sake of me just come of, is so ah!The that cloth in the mind can rejoice and at the beginning let Zhang Liao and that if do brothers really to, can also help.Gao Shun but what to think is another one thing:"Oh, should not let this person walk.Zhao Ru Zeng Wu said that his senior excels to line up a soldier it's embattled, alas, miss."
The Cao holds to listen to cachinnation:"Pure Anne's general trusts be.Son cloud once way, pure Anne's general was leading troops a superior, after, held to still need to rely on general training to break enemy ranks a camp, this row soldier the matter of the cloth, meeting someone teach and general of."Gao follows of the mouth opened widely, he didn't thought of, the Cao holds incredibly also break enemy ranks camp to take for him. Related articles:

