
beats by dre studio ruit each times each

Must be had a clear conscience to heart, why the need for want to see customs taste?Furthermore, you would were to hand over a bad person as friend, if you can give° him Be getting oner good terms, that just calls skill.Let him see Zhu Zhe Chi, let oneself see a Mo not black, that is the hero."
The glory of the square is dark to know that they absolutely have this kind of skill, oneself is have no, way:"BE, it am a Mo to can only cherish me of, is not."
East together the sky return the knife to the square glory, way:"Your lo my this host is how to do, walk, today seek a place not to inebriate isn't a hero."
Lee is free and unfettered to say with smile:"The time is woulded be to put together wine with you now, only afraid your my 2 peoples all non- square glory opponent, that can be disgraced.This time say clear, who also forbid to use inside the achievement."
Square glory dark way:"Originally wanting to be hero to still want will drink, no wonder that I don't to become hero."Favour way:"Two elder generations trust, the younger generation never drinks, the younger generation is done not dare as well two in fronts drink of, the younger generation aside waits upon then become."
Lee free and unfettered way:"You again not my disciple I wait on a kid, also not his disciple he waits on a kid.Here only three friends."
Square glory favour way:"The younger generation didn't really and never once drink."
Lee free and unfettered way:"Eastern elder brother, you got ready good wine while canning be awake in last time."
East together God's way:"Trust, my woulding be has never once wide awoke, there the wine of the noodles also during a lifetime drink not over, however is many a square glory, you then and urgently become so.He once said as well, isn't the capacity for liquor good, can also exceed your my 2 people not to become?"
Square the glory don't dare as well with them answer criticism talkative, have to walk along with them.
On the way Lee free and unfettered way:"The glory of the square, would you like to really live as recluse during a lifetime?"
Square glory sad way:"I can at 1:00 also would not like to, I since the childhood then thought to be get ahead, now but be disappearing."
Lee is free and unfettered the speech is no longer.East together God's way:"Stand out for the sake of light believe in to show off Zu, you don't calculate a decadent person as well, or can teach."
Lee free and unfettered way:"Eastern elder brother, do you think so?"
East together the sky delude a way:"Younger brother this words I can have a little not to understand.Why to rap out this kind of strange words?"
Square glory is also strain, doing not know the free and unfettered speech of Lee is to feel oneself Be not worth teaching still keep being worth teaching.Lee free and unfettered way:"Nothing important.How do you all looking at so me?Open."
East together the sky say with smile:"I know at least now that you have already had a scheme.Here can only 3 people, you always can't be use to deal with a square glory, deal with of should be me."However he also knows even if the scheme can't has to oneself, either how much harm, greatly not is wanted to use tricks to strive for to put together wine to win himself/herself.
Lee is free and unfettered to say with smile:"Be known by you, you could not blame me by that time."
Square glory to his 2 people is again the oddness admire again, way:"Eastern elder generation, is your a person here?"
Just finished saying, Lee was free and unfettered to clap a square glory shoulder the low voice said with smile:"Do not know is your cleverness or coincidentally."Again louder way:"Is other don't know, I know me to have an elder brother's wife.Eastern elder brother, is the elder brother's wife good recently?"
East together God's way:"I can have no younger brother Lee romantic, my having a Niang son has been contented."
Square glory way:"Eastern elder generation, can I visit an aunt."
Lee free and unfettered way:"Does the eastern elder brother why not accompany elder brother's wife, that sorry elder brother's wife."
East together the sky wanted to think, way:"Is, I am sorry she, I long time ago let her down, I to …… don't rise ……" suddenly facial expression again not pure, the hand doesn't live to tap to deliver bulge of head.
The square glory is greatly hasty, the positive desire comes forward, is suddenly been free and unfettered to block by Lee.Just from the oddness, listens to his way:"East together sky, who are you ?"
East together God's way:"I am …… I am ……" suddenly lifts enough and then runs, Lee free and unfettered Shan came forward to block him, way:"You are together east a sky, I am that Lee is free and unfettered, and we says to have to be more martial than one so much."
East together God's way:"To, we to compare force."Finish saying to lift Zhang then shot.
Lee is free and unfettered the flash across is from the side and stay back several trails:"Is slow!"
East together the sky indeed as expected no longer offend to come forward, way:"Fear?"
Lee free and unfettered way:"All several 10-year-old persons of your my 2 people, beat around what a scandal, I thought of a way, afraid that you don't dare."
East together God's way:"Fight me than the force always don't then and never once fear."
Lee free and unfettered way:"Thus and then became, so, you pass your best fighting skill square glory and see how I crack, I pass my best fighting skill also square glory, see how you crack, until our one among those persons can not crack, then it calculate him to lose.How?"
East together the sky want to don't think a way as well:"Reach agreement verbally.Ha ha, this descends you to lose to settle, I have 9,999 kinds of fighting skills, grow fighting skill to contain 9,9999,999 types of recruit, recruit each times each time and see how you break."
Lee is free and unfettered to say with smile:"Bo and not the Jing has what good, again much also useless, I even if only on recruiting, but you can not break also calculate you lost."
East together God's way:"The useless talk was little to say, tried and then knew.I am a letting of elder brother 1:00, I come first.The glory of the square follows me."
The square glory still doesn't know what is the row, way:"Go where?"
East together hasty way in the sky:"Certainly is to teach you the fighting skill, however can not make him know, so we want to walk from a distance."
Exultation in the square glory heart, way:"BE."
Lee is free and unfettered to say with smile:"I wait you."
East together God's way:"You can not peep as well as escape."
Lee is free and unfettered to pretend Nu of way:"I is what person, will I escape?"
Together the east Hey Hey in the sky says with smile:"This is then good."Coming out 23 insides is far, just stop next:"He indeed as expected has no heel, we then here."
Square glory way:"Eastern elder generation, do you teach me the universe treasure Dian?"
East together the sky suddenly hold tight a square glory collar of dress way:"You how can anyone know the universe treasure Dian?Is quite good, Hey Hey, calculate you cleverness, this also calculate I severe of one of the efforts.Then teach you this."
The glory of the square is surprisingly he is really the host of that book, way:"Eastern elder generation, I discover this book in a cave, is exactly the universe treasure Dian."
East together God's way:"Which cave I can forget, you want and then take to go to, anyway can not also sell a few money."
Square glory dark way:"He thus not cherish, seem also not is what fantastic fighting skill."
East together sky again way:"First floor also however is some to inflate the type of sitting the achievement, with your current capability nature need not, the second floor is also a surplus, now most practically and nothing is better than in 3 F, then and first since Zhang method.I let first formula for incantation you carry on the back familiar."Finish saying to selfishly carry on the back.
The square glory is to pour a back if flow, remember naturally, but don't dare to speak, otherwise can be known that he's mean person is a by him.A back is over, east together the sky re- carried on the back again a time of, way:"Remember how much?"
Square glory favour way:"Remember about."
East together God's way:"Like, my Wu Yi Bian let you sees, was optimistic about now."Finish saying to stay back several steps lift Zhang to do to get up.
The square glory still starts canning not tell what, but more see more shocking, Zhang method not only quick, steady and fierce, and change unfathomable, eyesight and just see this recruit, in fact already several recruited in the past,beats by dre studio, unless square glory very person, also can not see clearly, power naturally need not lift more.Square glory to he is to admire complete prostration.Is probably half of two-hour period, east together the sky stop next:"Learning first is so many, many afraid you could not learn, long again fear that Lee free and unfettered run, you come to do 1 time now."
Square glory surprised way:"How can the thus badly complicated fighting skill younger generation learn?"
East together Nu way in the sky:"I would am to see you different ordinary people to just teach so yours, if other people, do this several two years that recruit to have no for five years and six years and also take for a year, furthermore I have already all handed over recruit type and formula for incantations to you, don't you then understand knot to put together?"
Square the glory recalled formula for incantation and recruit type 1 time, indeed as expected again remembered a lot more, exultation in heart Related articles:

