
Beats By Dr Dre Studio Wang Zhong Si sugge

 At this time.The match was because of coming in.Slightly a see a gift.Ask a way:"Khan.I ain't understand.You the all sorts of hardship ground go down south.Get here again don't take the offensive to the Chinese people.Drink Yan here all day long.This is why?"
"The Hou match is because of the brothers.It is quick to please sit down."The Mo Chuo is still passionate.Didn't also chase a Hou match at 1:00 because of be the hostage treat:"It is quick.Give a Hou match last wine because of brothers last meat.The Hou match is because of the brothers.You sit down first.We simultaneously eat meat to drink.Simultaneously narrate in detail."
The Hou match is because of doing not refuse as well.Sat down.Catch a horse**absorb.Eyes but is staring at Mo Chuo.Want him suitable geography is to from.
The Mo Chuo didn't directly answer.But is raise example:"The Hou match is because of the brothers.You is from the big food come.Want through desert.Have you ever seen cobra?"
"Viewpoint over.There is deadly poison.Once biting for it in.Whether the person rears or not.Will die."The Hou match nods because of ordering.
Mo Chuo but shake head:"I say of the pass isn't its toxicity, and is the attack method of cobra.The cobra will get up oneself dish before attackstoning, the head is high high to rise, die to stare at opponent, wait until time is propitious, quick such as the lightning flash attackstone opponent."
"This ……" Hou match is because of doing not understand his meaning:"Khan, does this have what relation with current situation?"
The Mo Chuo orders a positive:"Hou match because of the brothers, you also know, we now although drink Yan here, can we also have no carefree, we just and tightly stare at Chinese people and appear for the etc. opportunity.Once the opportunity appear, we will start aggression."
"Khan, I am still not understand, what kind of opportunity do you want to wait?"The Hou match is because of closing in an one step.
"Certainly is a benefit to attack in us~meeting!"Mo Chuo answer a bit unclear.
His waiting ground is an assurance and make sure his military advance has no in danger, can't eat up for Tang Jun.Certainly, this kind of worries is not likely to say to wait a match because of knowing.
Hou match due to still wanting to ask again the clop that listens to a burst of urgently and suddenly rings out, on riding a quick horse to hurtle to Wang Zhang Qian to stop down, the shape high earth soldier breathes heavily thick spirit to hurtle to come in and reports a report to the Mo Chuo:"The Qi reports khan, right Xiang Cha already offend to go into medium accept surrender city, I receive order to come to report a report to the khan!"
"We capture medium accept surrender city!"Have the minister son has never comprehended "offend to go into" two words of meaning, also think is capture medium accept surrender city, excited must spring up.
All knowing 3 to accept surrender a city mutual support is that one is whole, 1 are offended, moreover two will increase to aid.Three city inside, key is medium accept surrender city, win accept surrender once the city break, the whole defense system also no longer to empress the Turkic constitute threat, this is exactly that they dream to all want ground, ability not excited?
Wait match because of is also that once the spirit flap, is about to lay it on with a trowel severals, sees the eyebrows of Mo Chuo one Ning and ask a way:"Offend into city, not is capture?"
"What differentiation does this have?"Cluster the minister heart hatred Mo the Chuo is many this to ask.
The soldier nods a way:"BE exactly!After several days of aggression, we finally offend to go into medium accept surrender a city inside, captured lesser half city defense.The right Xiang Cha invites khan to immediately go down south and assembles with right Xiang Cha and match to offend medium accept surrender city."
"Khan issue order quickly!"The cluster minister excitement keeps rubbing hand, some one mouthful the horse**drink off, have of have already grasped a haft, a words, wear one of Mo Chuo to make for etc. next, can kill to rush medium accept surrender city.
Once the right hand of Mo Chuo flick, public pipe down, the Mo Chuo ponders a burst of, way:" After saying to know."
The soldier should be a , this just way:"After arrived medium accepted surrender city, an even fail several days.Finally in four days, our someone stands to in the city wall, unfortunately shoot to kill for Chinese people.From now on, we offend city, can always offend a city head, the person who go up is more and more, end stood firm a heel in the city.However, our dead and injured is also pretty big, the Chinese people doesn't live anti- rush toward, the some timeses all almost expeled us city, the right Xiang Cha directed campaign in person, and this is just steady to live a feet."
Isn't Tang Jun rush through not to go out, is executing an order.This, their of course not knows.Say according to the common sense, as long as canning stop a heel in the city and capture medium accept surrender city to be just a matter of time, the cluster minister greatly fig ups
Sweat issue order quickly!I arrive to medium accept surrender city, a drum annoys
The Mo Chuo didn't talk and pondered, no one dared to bother him.Lead for a long time for a long time, the Mo Chuo loudly drinks a way:"Left Xiang Cha!You immediately lead the horse of 50,000 people to arrive to medium the Cha accepting surrender city, helping right Xiang attack and occupy medium accept surrender city."
"The Zun makes!"The Duo knows that the Fu loudly receives orders.
"Being other is each, temporarily motionless, we still stay here.
"The Mo Chuo connects down ground words, come from the idea of owner to anticipate, the eye pupils almost dropped out.
Owner all think next offend a ground of order,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, have never thought to just send a horse of 50,000 people to left for to increase to aid, this matter was too hard to imagine, not from must stare at Mo Chuo.
"Khan, this is why ah?"It finally was unbearable, asked to come out.
"Why?I must defend a point, is the stratagem of Chinese people, lure me with the half city in case of this, that I recklessly rush through to go, be not exact center under the Chinese people bosom?"The in the mind of Mo Chuo whispers, on the mouth but way:"You prepare, I one make next, can rush through.Say again for first foolish two days."
"This ……" cluster minister isn't clear so, however the Chuo wants them to work well preparation and seems have an activity right away, this explains that he early thinks.Proceed from ground the trust is to the Mo Chuo, the cluster minister has no again cross-examine, loudly receive orders.
"Left Cha, you this sets out.Your has a good head, the right Xiang Cha is courageous, I hope the resultant force of your 2 people, go fetch medium accept surrender city, tie up us to the Chinese people ground this pulverizes lock!"The Mo Chuo gives repeated advice to 1.
"The khan pleases trust, definitely attain!"The Duo knows the Fu receives orders and turned round Wang Zhang, spread next order, take a troops to set out, rush through to in accept surrender city.
"Ha ha!Jian soldier lost!"The distance Xiao sky satisfiedly claps in Chen Wan Rong's shoulders very much since the horseback jumped down:"Beat polo, are there several personal dozens having ever got me?"
"The beard blows atmosphere!"The fee is handsome line of to fight him:"You take a group of personses, I take a group of personses, and we come everywhere."
Beating the polo is a shot, Tang Jun's main game.Beating the polo has to superbly ride Shu and contribute to training to ride Shu, and Tang Jun owns numerous horses, this to a large extent promoted a dozen the fad of the polo.
After arriving at here, whole day inside do nothing, Chen Wan Rong also joined a dozen the row or column of the polo.Can only cherish, his ride Shu although progressing isn't small, where ability and distance Xiao sky the gallop about for several decades of the person compare, today and they a polo beat down and lost too miserably.
"Do not be satisfied, wait I to do good ride Shu, we again come to compare."If not that Chen Wan Rong rides Shu too lousy, artillery this brigade can't loses a sky, either to the distance Xiao.
"Jian soldier, your lo liked, I revenged for you."The fee is handsome line of to smile happily ground, eyes Chou wears distance Xiao for sky:"Distance boy dares to answer?"
"Put a horse to come over!"The distance Xiao sky is very satisfied.
"Jian soldier, distance general, fee general, the commander in chief invites you past."Piece a close Wei for guarding greatly treads to come over herald.
"The dozen doesn't become!"Chen Wan Rong their Gao Jiao Yi, fly a body to dismount, rush through to cave.
On entering a cave, see the thinking that Zhang Shou put a light step, don't want to disrupt him.However, but Zhang Shou twists a head to looking at them:"All sit, all sit!"
Wait until Chen Wan Rong, they sit down, Zhang Shou this just way:"Just received a Shao report, our dramas played failed, the Mo Chuo had never led battalion to go down south and just sent a left Xiang Cha Duo to know that the Fu leads 50,000 troops to rush through to in accept surrender city.Jian soldier, you say, how do we reply?"
This battle front the place of key is 400,000 troops who want the Mo Chuo to adjust Yin mountain with the south, just surround him.For making him go down south, Wang Zhong Si suggests to"go fishing" and use medium accept surrender city to go down south for bait, luring Mo Chuo.
It is whole to is medium to accept surrender to empress Turkic defense ground key, use to make a bait, there is very big temptation dint.Once Related articles:

