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Approve, they this lifetime don't think again be what officer, if still according to old Sui of that set of to manage world, the officials take care of city defense, the clansmen influence manages countryside, the ordinance carries out disadvantage, the land annex continues, is Gao Chang why the need for carry on changing the system a like this troublesome affair again?
The non-commissioned officer soldiers of Tang surrendering, come from the pass picking and getting rid of of east aged and weak outside, all be brought into a soldier, adopt one old way of doing of taking a lately, carry on military training and brainwash education to them, so ground person even if don't can do to use for regular army, can also as the reserve service soldier of the region, persistently uses a plain, pure river, the Jing of grounds like river,etc strong isn't a farsighted matter, although, they get a ground of advantage most, to Gao Chang also most is loyal.
Come from Kansai of temporarily can not put back, can make them do bitterness service and fixed and spread and dug water dike what of, conveniently also saved manpower.
In fine, the whole July, Gao Chang has never gone down south to cross river to take the offensive Wang Shi Chong's plan, in July, is also the food moment that harvests a summer, in addition to real of in addition to war soldier, those summers soldiers that station in the city have to go to the country to help farmer to accept a food, so-called armed forces and people fish water feeling be such!
Wang Jia of the high Chang still keeps staying around Li sun, Lan,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, Su's snow proper 2 people also arrived at Li sun from the river, Xu Sheng Zhi still stays between the river and is responsible for the logistic programming of battalion, Sung original, autumn long sky, attend to Dan also all at busy respectively of affair, take care of even and Ling respect from the river rushed through to come over, arrived at high Chang nearby, they need to help Gao Chang to handle thin work, at the same time also want to teach New appointee how to work feeling, in these New appointees not only have the Pei of age advanced in age, but also have the Wei to is young and vigorous to just surrender high Chang to advertise for.
Basically, Gao Chang all wants to summon Pei every day, toward the affair that he inquires to have relation with Western Regions, to Gao Chang, the function of Pei only this and no more just!
Although, the world hasn't quelled, the vision of high Chang not ability put at at present, Gao Ju Quan Li, Turkic, Japan, each tribe in Western Regions, vomit Fan, Gao Chang takes to heart to all them, unified world behind, he will practice the policy of race fusion, let this site in East Asia only one is national, China empire, he will be a China empire first term absolute being emperor.
Recently, also the someone last form hopes Gao Chang can call an emperor, it
Wen Yan Bo, Sung original, bore virtuous Shao etc., the heavy minister of summer country is almost whole inside, connect just and surrendered soon of those declined minister to also all speak to depend on in succession.
However, Gao Chang refused their to advise into.
Luo sun!
Yes, next target of high Chang is Luo sun!Beat next Luo sun, Gao Chang will take this as all, would mount the throne for the emperor at that time.
At advise into of these people in the center, Wei's advertising for is to see through one among the persons whom Gao Chang's this dessert thinks, in a certain night, he visited to lead troops, can with nearby be a staff officer role at Gao Chang as a result depressed Xu Shi spins,Beats By Dre green Monday.
On the second day, Xu Shi Ji requests noodles to see high Chang, Gao Chang Xuan his Jin sees.
"The king who reports a summer, after go and live with the king in summer, minister's inch achievement don't sign, but the body occupy Gao Wei and enjoy love and esteem king in summer, to this, there is Kui in the minister heart, don't wish to receive unearned reward, therefore, hope that the king in summer can let the minister re- lead troops and cross river to go down south, send punitive expedition traitor and open up soil for Wang Kai Jiang in summer!"
Sunlight deeply window but go into, shine on a house bright open, Xu Shi Ji wears military dress, standing apart stand in the sunlight, have a liking for to divide outside power and prestige, the famous general manner takes in everything at a glance.
The house both sides holdses the warriors of gold melon to silently stand, hall the high Chang vision that sit Gao above slightly takes cajolery ground hope face up hang righteously facial expression of Xu Shi spin, he smiled to smile.
"General loyal can Jia, just, the our army continuously advertises for a war, logistics supply already arrive extreme achievement, the private soldier is also mostly exhausted, and then is the food moment that harvests a summer, send army at this time, opportune moment not to!"
See the idea of feeling sorry for of Gao Chang You, Xu Shi Ji continues to say.
"At present, Tang Jun just at river east and settle Yang Jun confrontation, can not draw out troops to enter inherit a pass east, but Zheng Ze Wang a life time Chong is stupid of generation, face to lack to close a pass that win troops' support east Tang Jun, still can not thoroughly get rid of to walk it, just defend with a last-ditch attempt easts all, have no enterprising heart, thus a piece of fat meat, the our army in front starts for strong, if let a golden opportunity slip by, treat Li Tang to defeat settle Yang Jun, adjust overdo come to enter to inherit pass east, that time, can not tell who will be the victor?"
Sincere Chen Ci who faces Xu Shi Ji, Gao Chang pondered a short moment and ordered to nod.
"The speech of general doesn't have no truth, just, the private soldier is long to fight, have already been utterly exhausted, cross river a battle, the logistics supply is more difficult to up add difficult, opportunity although rare, careful rise see, also can give up!"
Treat Gao Chang Hua the sound fall in, Xu Shi Ji loudly says.
"End won't just, the wish leads this person's horse to cross river a battle and needs not a logistics supply, can not fail to beat an one huge territory for the king in summer, for battalion in the days to come enter inherit easts to all make a clean sweep of an obstacle, also invite a king up allow."
"Ha ha!"
Gao Chang Xiao smile.
"General will to fight such Gao Yang, this king refuses general again it please, is inconsiderate, such, this king should allow general, let general rate the soldier cross river a battle, as for logistics to keep, several thousand people's supply still can cope with!"
"Thank a king up!"
Xu Shi Ji's exultation is a little bit some to in an awkward manner clench fist right hand, put in the left chest, went a military salute of summer soldier.
"Just ……"
The voice of high Chang burst upon a turn, Xu Shi Ji's heart not from downwards on sinking, under the general condition, this is to behind most likely combine not worth listening the said words.
"Just, this person's horse of general has been already beaten to spread and integrates into each soldier, the troops battle, have to attain to make to go to forbid, so, order flag signal etc. to have to be unified naturally, although the Li sun soldier is valiant,have to be also carry on resting whole, therefore, send army this time, the general can not lead this person's horse, I will give another general one camp crack troops and let the general command."
Xu Shi Ji should a , he knows that Gao Chang still has been already guarded against to him and disallows him to lead this person's horse naturally,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, however, can to allow his leading a soldier to go on an expedition is a very quite good affair and did no matter what, all need to be done it slowly step by step.
Besides, he this time get a soldier to go on an expedition also not is think the Pan escapes, just want to sign big achievement, obtain the trust of the other party just!
"The white is cultured!"
Gao Chang suddenly shouted toward one side in the house a , a person turned out from the dark corner and arrived at sunlight bottom, don't know that person to stand as well over there how long, Xu Shi Ji unexpectedly didn't also notice at 1:00.
"Xu Ai Qing sends army this time, the white is cultured and then is the absolute being officer in the soldier to get generally, be responsible for a soldier duty outside of affair, you just joined our army and not just acquainted with very much to the military command system of our army, the white absolute being officer would devote major efforts to help you and hoped that you can understand soon!"
"Thank a king up!"
However is to nearby arrange a nail at oneself just, also say so impressive-looking, sneered at in the heart of Xu Shi Ji a , then, once turned round cultured dialogue to embrace a boxing to say.
"In the days to come, also invite white general to give advice or comments!"
"Where!Where!Slowly general generation famous general, white some still need Xu the general advise to just go!"
2 people face top all the heap is full smile, embrace the boxing as gift mutually, sunlight bottom, this scene seems to be particularly of harmony.
On July 3, Xu Shi Ji and white are cultured to lead 5,000 people to pass through yellow river, get into Henan of boundary, enter to arrive white Ma Cheng bottom, summer, the first-time combat of of is imminent.

The fourth gathers chapter 76, the summer wants to form alliance
Renew time:2008-9-610:16:45 chapter word numbers:3582

Arouses a war in the Li sun at Gao Chang and Li Tang of, east all a life time battalion of Zheng Di Wang of Luo sun all set out from the easts, all the way to east into inherit, along the road, Wei surname(now Wei surname county in Henan) castellan virtuous 叡 , Bian state(now Kaifeng, Henan) district magistrate Wang Yao Han, milli- state(Anne tiny milli- state City) district magistrate uncle Ding then, all send a diplomatic corps to come Jin to see Wang Shi Chong, to Related articles:

