
Beats By Dre Justbeats act relationresult

The Czech Republic ,rapid action ,combat experience is very rich look , retreat as the enemy advances ,harass the enemy ,the enemy tires, I play ,I pursue the enemy retreat guerrilla warfare sixteen words abnormalities in skilled ,is one of the boys Mulan wind ,Zhang Junsheng this is the monitor would bring her to one of the reasons ,the other one the reason is to deal with the special mode of operations ,for example in his play the flower girl in front of the !~ relationresultThe 141st Festival , relationresultIn order to counterJapanese sweep ,each team are equipped with sufficient ammunition ,uniform standard type eight one rifle ,and a crooked handle light machine guns ,especially each captain has dispensed from the telescope and compass and other special equipment .
relationresultAfter a day ofa brief run-in, seventh teams directly set off in a northerly direction ,to delineate the near Yangquan to suppress Japanese team ,ensure that the hundred regiments after the expansion to victory .
relationresultThe seventh squadof soldiers did not take the road ,directly into the mountains, down in the woods near interspersed to Yangquan ,and began to search for information on the .
relationresultIn theforest in the shuttle, Li Wei also prepared several double grass soles cloth shoes ,he had his shoes in the lining in half a year after the grinding him ,threw it do not know where to go .
relationresultThe northernhills of trees in the forest in dense ,shuttle almost no road ,road is almost being beaten ,in after the Chinese new year ,the snow did not last long ,woodland or frozen ,in the first rock and even frost into ice ,sometimes climb will be abnormal risk ,seventh team warrior is down this kind of almost no way around all the way around the village .
relationresultUnlessnecessary, Zhang Junsheng and they do not use .They carry the rice ,in the field of marching ,rely mainly on hunting or searching for edible plants and animals for food ,because no start plowing ,the enemy blockade causes according to commissariat is unusually nervous, even the seventh team the temporary Series team, only gave each of us three days of coarse grains ,another only rely on myself ,this also makes the seventh squad of soldiers cannot too disturb the people .
relationresultMakefood for many guerrilla fighters is almost homely food ,Li Wei was able to be lazy ,despite his Stardust shuttle trade is playing the beast .relationresultAlthough thebrave the wind and dew ,but also the operator of such a road ,near the vicinity of the Niangziguan ,seventh team got near the village militia reported to have found devils team news ,Beats By Dre Diamond,there are several villages by the devil .
But the loss is small, only a few people were beaten and injured, Japs squad in the Eight Route Army ,wanted to find the granaries and supply point and other key for destruction ,but old people mouth is kept tightly to die ,just like a headless fly like Japs butted, the hundred regiments after the Eight Route Army the regiment captured equipment distributed to all the anti-Japanese armed forces ,devils and didn kill anyone .
A grab something burning people ,after the house and ran .relationresultI heard afind devils squad ,the seventh squad to class three and class soldiers immediately to the spirit of ,down along the militia intelligence ,a road death biting devils chasing down the trail .
relationresultIn the evening,the seventh squad to a remote village periphery ,normally for peripheral search ,not observed the situation, but also for the village surrounding the enemy inventory .
relationresultThe villageof people already rising smoke ,to prepare the supper in the evening .relationresultThe seventh squadin guerrilla warfare experienced a squad of soldiers .In tracking down the village .
Found out of devil trail ,through observation and discussion, Captain Zhang Junsheng and captain Brontosaurus think .Japs next goal is very likely that the village .relationresultIn order toprotect the villagers from harm ,but also to avoid the act rashly and alert the enemy ,all the Japs squad ,by the vice captain thunder with the original three people lurking into the village ,to inform fellow villager to hide ,and then guerrilla group in the village and set an ambush ,waiting for the enemy ditch on the .
relationresultObserve ! Zhang Junsheng to the players sounded the alarm ,because the devil permeability harassment ,the seventh squad to the soldiers could not like before equally come swaggeringly to enter the village ,always careful Ji Ji the first reconnaissance into .
The first small plum .Ken cover ,wooden club side ,delta array intestines and follow me around . Brontosaurus is skilled to open three class formation similar to .relationresultBythe evening under dim light ,class three interest-free touch into the village .
relationresultAlthoughseen three class many times with this lineup ,Zhang Junsheng always sighed again, it is the main mission of formal family origin, with guerrilla fighting formation is not the same ,so beautiful, the person with the person can ratio .
relationresultExclamationto sigh ,Zhang Junsheng was on the side of the horse soldiers Shun ,whispered : pony ,with comrades hide . , relationresultQuietlyturned into an old people walls, Li Wei together with wooden doors to the sound inside .
relationresultHello !~ Li Wei gently tune tone ,behind alert Brontosaurus frowning at the bird ,what ah ,this small plum anything good ,sometimes is acting strange .relationresultWho ah !~ the room stared blankly once exclaimed ,in a flurry of activity in Flint ,touch the flint voice, the house lit a lamp .
relationresultFellow, open the door ,we are eight road !- Li Wei gently exclaimed ,straight to the heart ,how to do with the devils attack today .relationresultLi Weigang said,the door creaked open ,a man puts his head out the door to look ,when they saw Li Wei ,who are familiar with the eight route army uniforms and weapons ,he immediately become very enthusiastic ,even said : as soon as possible ,inside, outside the wind .
Come in . , relationresultDeng Feng a fewoutside the house continues to alert and search whether there are devils in the village, Li Wei followed the Brontosaurus entered the man ,very ordinary walls ,only two rooms ,the main hall also when the bedroom ,Beats By Dre Justbeats,Kang of burning firewood just burn, the ashes still shining stars bit of mars .
relationresultThedevil may attack on the village .The message and the man said ,and I hope he can lead them to inform the other people ,they hide, with the seventh team annihilated the devils ,the man immediately look solemn ,busy incessantly ground nod .
relationresultRay Ban ahead, we immediately notify the villagers go ,say what also can devils . It was named Yang Kai crops fellow patting chest tract .relationresultIn order to keep secret,not even a little ,Brontosaurus and Li Wei followed Yang took advantage of the night ,quietly open every one old people home ,a household but every family on a ghost strikes have been prepared, don panic, quietly pick up action and food ,in the the cellar .
relationresultThethree class is only Li Wei stealth the Brontosaurus assured ,Li Wei took Meng Zisu to the Brontosaurus command returns back to the village and the location of a class .
relationresultLittle plum ,what ,beats by dre?! The seventh squad captain Zhang Junsheng also read in class three for Li Wei said to ask .relationresultLi Weizhou frowns,didn that ,said: the villagers have informed the finished, have been hiding ,ray monitor them at the village of commanding elevation of ambush, I and the child with you to establish a class of Soviet encirclement ,I also took some food for you ,soon finished .
, relationresultZhang Junsheng tookLi Weidi over the basket to female warrior Zhou Yan ,then pointing at the underground swing up simple topography ,said: you see, we have just one soldier
in the surrounding scouted up ,still found no Japs ,this is the village of large terrain ,is northeast of cemetery ,there are many trees ,easily concealed ,the west is a brook ,water
is also a kind of protection ,I suspect that the devil is possible from the village northeast face or west over ,I arrange three power points ,little plum ,your hidden ghost to the East Related articles:

